What was know formerly as my prostate gland is now a high grade tumor, Gleason 9, T3-T4. Following Taxotere, HDR Brachy therapy, direct beam, Lupron, and Zytiga, the tumor doesn't appear to be shrinking. My PSA has been barely detectable, but now comes some pretty intense pains in the hips, legs, back, ribcage, stomach, and ankles. This pain is fairly constant. I'm having to double up on pain meds to get through. Anyone like to venture a guess as to what's going on here?
Tumor Not Shrinking: What was know... - Advanced Prostate...
Tumor Not Shrinking

The pain is probably caused by bone mets. A bone scan should make these visible. A few high risk tumors do progress while expressing very low or no PSA. You need an excellent MO now.
Allan posted these links to treat bone mets:
What did your bone scan/CT show?
Alan, the most recent bone scan was two years ago, at the beginning of treatment.
FINDINGS: Normal radiotracer activity is present in both kidneys and
the soft tissues. A focus of abnormal radiotracer activity is present
in the cervical spine on the right. Degenerative uptake is present in
the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. Degenerative periarticular
activity is present at the shoulders and the base of both thumbs.
1. Abnormal focus of radiotracer activity in the cervical spine on the
right may be degenerative, however, MRI C-spine with and without
contrast recommended.
2. Degenerative uptake in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine,
both shoulders, and the base of both thumbs.
I have extensive bone mets, but at 69 am beginning to find most of my pains are arthritic and degenerative discs issues. Just an extra added attraction. Hope you can sort it all out.