How common is leg weakness with metastatic prostate cancer and/or treatment for it? My dad is 6 months into diagnosis/treatment. Has been on ADT and also finished 6 rounds of docetaxel. Response has been good (PSA dropped from > 2200 to 0.05 on last check) and post-chemo bone scan shows significant reduction in mets.
However, at some point along the way he gradually developed severe bilateral leg weakness (now having trouble rising off the toilet). It seems to be most severe proximally (hip flexors and thighs) and not really that evident in his ankles/feet. He definitely developed a sensory neuropathy with chemo, but that is worst distally (fingers, toes).
His oncologist is chalking up the weakness to chemo/neuropathy, but it seems to not fit the pattern to me. Again, his weakness is all proximal legs. Spine MRI has not shown anything that would explain this.
I wonder if it may be some sort of side effect of the ADT v some other issue less directly related to the cancer or treatment.
As always, appreciate the input.