I was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer 5 months ago. its in the bones lymph nodes and maybe some organs. Doing great with prednisone, zytiga and Lupron (chemo). I'm strong, active and have very little fatigue. Seen my doctor last week and he really can't give me a window of how long I have. He just said that when mine was found, it was very advanced. He was so happy with my bloodwork, my red cell count in the 12's. Can anyone give me a window of how long I have. I'm 66 and trying to get things in order for my wife. My psa is below 1 at the moment.
Stage 4 advanced Prostate Cancer - Advanced Prostate...
Stage 4 advanced Prostate Cancer

Only God knows the answer but the best predictor would be if you were to fail Lupron/Zytiga in 6 months or less...in that case the usual outcome is 12-18 months...you are already at 5 months so say your prayers and you probably got years to live...I am already 10 years out and my biggest problem is, not PCa, but my wife...she is trying to kill me...the nurse always asks if I feel safe at home...I say no...she smiles and moves on to the next question
Now that's funny. Texas drunk pick-up truck driver. Split up some firewood today and feel great, but your humor made my day.. Thank you.
Same boat, let's paddle together. I've had two surgeries this month to improve quality of life for next ten years. Just planning to keep up the fight and be around for a while. 68 and one year into this stage 4 late diagnoses new life.
Doug -AZ
No surgeries yet, never was sick until 5 months ago at 66 yrs. Plan on being around awhile too.. Going to ride the waves instead of paddle. lol Good luck to you
Great analogy.
In June I will be 12 years out as a stage 4 ,Gleason 10 with widespread bone metastatic disease to distant sites and lymph nodes, Gus is right, only God knows. There are actually lots of us here that have beat the odds, I wish you the best,learn all you can,Knowledge is power.
I'll take 12 years Dan59. You give me much welcomed hope and inspiration. Thank you
I've been looking for hope from someone like you as well. I haven't yet posted my husband's story, but will do so and will tag you, Dan59 and linconj8, as I would love to be in touch with both of you (since your diagnoses were very similar to my hubby's). Thanks.
Chin up cobber ... a positive attitude is always a good start .... my motto is "Treat life like a Jack Russel terrier .... if you can't eat it or screw it .... piss on it and walk away!" Its working great for me .... but I've hidden all the guns and sharp pointed objects so the wife can't find them ... hhhmmmmm ... that reminds me ... better do the same with the heavy blunt ones too!! hahahahaha
Good Wednesday Morning lincolnj8,
I have been in this battle for almost six years (please see bio for complete treatment path).
Aggressive cancer requires aggressive treatment. Find a Medical Oncologist who specializes in your cancer. Quality of care matters. Never look back.
Best wishes. Never Give In.
Mark, Atlanta
Who is your oncologist. We are seeing carthon at emory Winship. Also went to mdandersen. Liked the doc there very much.
We are on first round of chemo and hormone shots so have to complete the cycle. Then gecide which doc
Been with this oncologist for 5 months. Got my PSA down to 1. Was 851. Blood work is approaching normal and appetite and energy is back and feeling great for having stage 4 prostate cancer that spread to bones and lymph nodes. Like the doc very much
These posts have helped me. My husband same . Stage 4 Gleason 8-9. It is for sure not up to the doctor, but to the One above
Start reading and discover the world of complementary medicine, that is, the natural treatment options available that are compatible with your traditional therapy cited in your post.
I am a 76 year old stage IV patient diagnosed in 2012, G8, PSA was then 19, with two pelvic bone mets imaged but no longer visible per a 2017 scan and MRI at a major cancer center in FL.
For the first 3 1/2 years of hormone therapy treatment my wife and I resided in AZ where my urologist had me on Casodex pills and Lupron 6-month shots. Since arriving here in FL in Aug., 2016, my urologist has chosen to use only Lupron and stopped the Casodex. My PSA has been trending lower, probably because of my use of natural supplements: now 0.06.
As I indicated above, I have come to believe in complementary medicine. I am very skeptical of alternative medicine but if it is complementary to traditional oncology, why not?
In 2015 I found the cancer research of AKM Shamsuddin, MD, PHD, at the U. of MD Medical School. (Incidentally, my wife told me I needed to start doing something about this death sentence. Start doing research, she said ("you're good at research, why aren't you finding something that can stop this cancer")! I laughed and started researching the medical literature which led to Dr. Shamsuddin.
I have used Dr. AKM Shamsuddin's most recent book (go to Amazon) and the IP6 powder he reports on in his text. There are two suppliers of this powder. Both are excellent quality, however, Enzymatic Therapy's Cell Forte is significantly less expensive (allstarhealth.com)
I take 12 scoops a day in divided doses on an empty stomach mixed in cold water (never mix with a protein like milk as the IP6 molecules will bind to the protein molecules).
I also use Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka's book (Beta Glucan: Nature's Secret") and the Transfer Point company's Beta 1,3-D Glucan (#300) based on Dr. Vetvicka's reseaarch into beta glucan efficacy across brands. Three capsules a day on an empty stomach with resveratrol and vitamin C. (I take 2 capsules of Nature's Answer resveratrol/vitamin C.) Go to vitawithimmunity.com for a short course in beta glucan.
These are my two major supplements. Not long after starting this combined regimen my Lupron side effects lessened and I have hardly noticed anything since 2016.
These are my two major supplements. Not long after starting this combined regimen my Lupron side effects lessened and I have hardly noticed anything since 2016. I can not speak to the effects of the other two drugs as they were never administered.
List of additional natural supplements.
1.Berberine (natural equivalent to Metformin so DO NOT TAKE IF ON METFORMIN! I use two brands simultaneously at each meal. Be cautious as low blood sugar currently will drop more. Mine was trending higher and brought it down as measured by my A1C, now 5.1. Before each meal 2 capsules of Solaray Berberine, total 500 mg. at each meal. Also take Wild Harvest Oregon Grape (a root) 2 capsules 800 mg.
2.Life Extension European Milk Thistle with Isosylybin A and B. 3 capsules at each meal. A capsule is about 920 mg.
3.Doctor Recommended Turmeric-Curcumin with Triphala (from Ayurvedic tradition) and Piperine. 2 capsules before each meal for approximate total of 1,500 mg. A second brand is also used at each meal: Healthy Origins Curcumin-Phytosome with Meriva 2 capsules for a total of 1,000 mg each meal. BE ADVISED THAT THERE ARE ADVOCATES OF SEPARATING THE BERBERINE AND TURMERIC DOSES BY 3 HOURS AS BOTH CAN DRIVE DOWN BLOOD SUGAR. I HAVE TRIED THAT APPROACH AND NOT FOUND IT NECESSARY.
4.Quercetin from Solaray. One 500 mg. capsule at each meal.
5.Grape Seed Extract from Olympia Labs. At each meal one 200 mg capsules
6.Amla (Ayurvedic tradition) at each meal one 500 mg. capsule
7.AT AM AND PM MEALS ONLY: Red yeast rice (do NOT TAKE if you are on a statin drug) from Solaray combined with co-q-10. Solaray makes a combo capsule. 2 capsules in AM for 1,000 mg. total, 2 capsules again at dinner for 2,400 daily total. Some PCa patients complain of statin drug side effects. I have been taking red yeast for more than 20 years for chol management. No side effects.
8.Swanson’s Super Cayenne capsules with ginger. ALWAYS drink a 5 oz. glass of V8 for the lycopene before each meal. Recent cancer research shows significant synergy between these two. One 250 mg capsule.
9.Nature’s Answer Resveratrol – 2 capsules are combined with Beta 1,3-D Glucan from Transfer Point. I use 3 500 mg. capsules of glucan. Significant synergy established by Dr. Vetvicka (U. of Louisville Medical School). I throw in a baby aspirin 81 mg. with this mix.
10.Vitamin D3 from Costco. 3 capsules in AM and 3 in PM for a daily total of 12,000 IU’s.
So you can see you have a lot of options. Don't worry about getting your papers in order. Get familiar with pubmed.gov where cancer journal abstracts are published. You will find research on all the natural supplements mentioned.
Your happy vegan CalBear74
IP6 is also known as "phytate" or "inositol hexaphosphate. Don't miss this video:
And this is a great lecture when you have 90 minutes free:
Your happy vegan, CalBear74
Only God knows and She ain't telling. Yep who knows, tomorrow you could accidentally fall into a vat of Lanolin and soften to death. But you should always have an up-to-date legal will as well as a living will. As long as you don't fall into that vat you'll be around for a very long long time (unless your wife catches you with your girl friend, if she does tell her that was your twin brother that you forgot to tell her about).
Good Luck and Good Health.
Good Luck and good Health.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 05/16/2018 1:14 PM EDT
I’m in the fifth year of my battle with gleason 9 metasta PCa . Doing ok . You must treat it aggressively and exercise to offset side effects of treatment. Your life won’t be the same but you’ll have a better appreciation for every day.
Day by day and pretend to those around you that you are OK. Didn't work to well Tues. Out with friends and his wife and myself both had physical melt down over meal. Mine with help from wife and four little pills only lasted about 15 minutes, hers a little longer. She started new chemo. Weds. We are just praying for the best. Life just keeps happening and sometimes take us by surprise at very inconvenient times. Had nice visit other than meltdowns. So much for crying on your shoulders, I am doing better most every day now. Recovering from last battle and continuing the war.
Well, had a turnaround and got worse every day for over a month. Feet swelling, rashing and on fire at the lightest touch. Belly pains back 24 hrs, a day, no sleep, pain pill rotation all night. Xtandi was getting me down. Cut one pill, added 10 mg prednisone and within 3 days marked improvement. Now to start cutting pred. and see if improvement holds. Best I've felt in 3-4 months. Quality of life really matters. My wife noticed improvement and commented on it before I told her what I had done. She told me she didn't want me around another ten years if I was in pain the whole time and couldn't do anything, Had to agree. Life was really starting to suck.
Much better now. Back up to ten-15 block walks, doing yard work. Playing with three year old grandson. Life can be good with stage 4 pCa.
Hey shooter1, meltdowns happen. Nothing convienient about these treatments and their side effects ...Hope things improve .
OMG this cracked me up. My buddy that drives me to chemo last Monday was pulling out onto Fredicksburg Rd in San Antonio and some idiot in a red pickup runs the red light and misses T-Boning us by about 6 inches - and he was going minimum 80. So here we are leaving chemo and damned if we don't end up crushed by a hillbilly with gonads hanging from his hitch ball...