I was diagnosed on 2016 4+3 august a rad pros. Two months later 37 sessions of radiation the highest the PSA has went is 1.6 no mets visable on scan 2017. Due for cat scan in april.2019. For the past 11 months on zytiga and lupron tolerating well psa 0.006. Yesterday 0.09 the same lab. My oncologist Dr Desai said dont be concerned. She said you had the flu for a month that could be the cause in the uptick. Is this enough of a rise in PSA to consider zytiga treatment may be failing or maybe can a illness like the flu change a PSA. I dont want to put my head in the sand. Nor do i want to overeact and start thinking the sky is fall
Slight uptick in PSA after 11 months ... - Advanced Prostate...
Slight uptick in PSA after 11 months of zytiga and lupron.

You should not be monitoring with an ultrasensitive PSA test at this point. It is just a recipe for anxiety.
Their answers are so Rich so just Coast along merrily.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 03/21/2019 7:30 PM DST
After being on Zytiga and Zoladex since Jan 2018 and chemo naive my PSA went down to < 0.008 in oct 2018 and monthly from then Nov <0.008, dec 0.010, Jan 0.010, feb 0.013, March 0.025. For those reporting PSA to the nearest whole number or to nearest 0.1 it’s still undetectable!. I am hoping the tiny rise and obvious trend is due to the “presumably metastatic growing tumour” in my neck which I am hoping stereotactic radiation will take care of in a couple of weeks. This is my only significant body pain... a real pain in the neck lol!
What is our magical number where we determine Zytiga is no longer working and time for another treatment? Doubling sequentially but when above 0.05? I want to stay on Zytiga as long as possible. My MO was pushing me onto Chemo to to shrink my neck tumour as could be some serious side effects of stereotactic radiation to the neck.
What are your thoughts on when you will change treatment and what options are you personally looking at?
It would depend on how much of a increase and over what period of time. Although not my least favorite option of chemo or perhaps a clinical trial are possibilties. Even considering some natural approaches. Primarily as a adjunctive. I am hoping i can ride this zytiga wave for a while longer