Hi All, thought I'd give a random update on my progress now that I'm in the third week of my third cycle of Docetaxel. So far I'm tolerating the chemo quite well. After the usual storm of side effects in the first week of a cycle, pretty much all I'm dealing with is thinning hair (but still have quite a bit), sore nails, pain flares, and a bit of fatigue.
Some context is needed for the pain and fatigue: Most of the pain is in my lower back and right hip region, and at yesterdays followup the nurse practitioner suggested it might be coming from my sacroiliac joint. This seems to be a better fit than "bone pain", as once I get moving things usually loosen up and the pain goes away for a while. Of course, the joint could be inflamed from the cancer in the surrounding bone. Also, getting fresh shots of Lupron and Xgeva last week made the pain quite noticeably worse.
But I'm not being especially kind to my joint either. I've been out shoveling snow, walking or running (very slowly) many days, and also carrying loads of firewood into the house. Oh, and also I got out my 8 lb maul on Monday and split some firewood too. I hate lifting weights at the gym, so I try to do a number of "chores" that help maintain upper body strength. So it ends up that my pain levels are pretty constant over time, but I'm more and more active as my anemic blood counts allow.
As far as response to treatment, my PSA had already dropped precipitously prior to chemo, so it's difficult to say if the continued drop is from ADT or chemo. Suffice to say it was last seen at 0.07. Alk Phos continues to drop as well (see chart), and I will give the chemo some credit for that.
So pretty much all good news on the prostate cancer front. Tomorrow is my 3 month follow-up cystoscopy to see if the bladder cancer has come back. I'm hoping that's all clear, because it would seriously suck to have another TURBT procedure right now.