Dear Community
I have evidence of reduced liver function while undergoing Docetaxel Chemotherapy. I have had my third cycle 8 days ago. Side effects from the chemo are inconsequential except for hepatotoxicity (which causes increased fatigue).
Blood test results the day before chemo 3 :
ALT is 150 (recommended 5- 40)
AST 62 ( recommended 10 - 40)
LDH 297 (recommended 120 - 250)
bilirubin ok
Docetaxel was reduced 10% on chemo 3 to reduce impact on liver.
The trend is up on every chemo infusion.
My questions:
1. If the hepatotoxicity increased significantly before the next infusion do you believe it would be safe to continue?
2. If I did continue, how long would you believe the liver would take to recover?
Personal experience appreciated.
I believe my oncologist would proceed and potentially reduce the dosage further.
My wish would be to proceed if the increase is not too great and make the 4th infusion my final for the time being.