I have had many many treatments over the past 17 years starting with surgery for Gleason 8 prostate cancer. Started with surgery at a PSA of 5, appeared to be contained in the prostate. PSA fell to 0 after surgery. Thought I was cured, but PSA came back a year later furiously. I followed up with many many therapies over the years to knock it down to zero several times, had good remissions, but kept coming back later.
Recently had Chemo and want opinions from the group. Completed 7 rounds of chemo and ran a victory lap because I was pain free almost the entire time I was getting Chemo, and PSA fell from 22 to 1.7.
Restarted XTANDI 1 month after completion of all Chemo to see if the cancer could be held in check by that drug. It is an XTANDI "re-challenge" since that drug failed a year ago.
Follow-up MRIs 2 months after completion of chemo showed NEW progressions in pelvis and lower spine (compared to MRIs taken a year ago). Pain is also creeping back and is increasing in the same pelvic areas where I had pain before and also in 1 rib where I had pain before. Very confused and disappointed. I thought Chemo knocked out most of that cancer.
Red blood counts also falling a little. Before Chemo Red count was 4.41 and within the 4.XX range before each infusion. Two months after completion of Chemo, measured 3.92. Confused. I thought red counts should get better 2 months after stopping chemo, but that is not happening.
I dont have an opinion from my primary oncologist at UC Davis because my appointment is not until December 7. I decided to run over to Stanford for an early "2nd" opinion.
My Stanford radiation oncologist said to not take either a PSA or MRI as gospel truth. She said to weigh both of them together. She said she will go through the images herself and do her own compares and advise me later. She also took an x-ray where I was having the most pain to check for a fracture. She said to wait another 2 months and do all my blood tests again.
1. Can the effects of Chemo still be working 2 months after I stopped it as indicated by a falling PSA, or is the PSA a lie as indicated by my MRIs and the return of pain?
2. How will I know if XTANDI is working?
I am waiting, disappointed, and confused. My appointment in December with Oncology may offer some clarity, but would like to get other comments from the group.