My best friend has been diagnosed with Advanced prostate cancer almost 2 months ago. Gleason is 8 (4+4) with bone mets in femur, pelvis, ribs, and humerus. He has 2 lymph nodes on his kidney and possibly near the throat. He started Firmagon and another injection to prevent bone loss 3 weeks ago. Two weeks after Firmagon, his Testosterone level is at 12, PSA from 948 to 267.
In one month, ALT from 68 to 101, AlK Phosphate from 273 to 331, and AST 106 to 96, Platelets from 409 to 287. Calcium level is in the normal range.
He is seeing the Oncologist on November 20th. Originally , Oncologist wanted him on Lupron and Zytiga but due to his liver enzyme increased, he decided to wait for the blood result on November 20th.
I am very concern about his increased liver enzymes. Are the numbers considered very high? What would be the caused of the increase?
He takes 2 medications for blood pressure and was taking meds for cholesterol. Oncologist told him to stop the cholesterol pills ( this was from visit 2 weeks ago)
The oncologist said he would be on Hormonal therapy for several years and then switch to another treatment plan. Is this about right?
He is a very healthy 82 year old and physically fit till 2 years ago with the TURP problem.
Thanks in advance for your knowledge and support.