rso oil and prostate cancer - Advanced Prostate...

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rso oil and prostate cancer

johnscats profile image
32 Replies

hi diagnosed with prostate cancer which has spread to bones and lymphnodes am. on firmagon adt and rso oil last month psa 4 six months now scince intial diagnoses have just complted 75grms of rso oil and feeling qiute healthy anyone out their with any sucess using rso oil and adt at the moment cant get my doc to approve more scans so dont really know wat is happening tumor wise best of luck to everyone

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32 Replies
Beermaker profile image

RSO does not have a great reputation. It has been discussed several times here. I would not put a lot of faith in it.

I can't speak to why your doctor won't give you more scans, but most like to wait until rising PSA is seen. Good luck!

Grandude58 profile image
Grandude58 in reply to Beermaker

I tried that, as have others I know, with no positive results.

There is alot of confusion as to the proper ratios thc/cbd and cbd/thc.

For me it coincided with a slow but steady psa rise after completing a successful round of treatments that stopped a psa that was doubling every 2 weeks. Was way to "trippy" for me so I stopped after 3 months and 65 grms.

in reply to Grandude58

That sucked!

in reply to Grandude58

That 60 gm thing is trippy. Itll put your ass on the couch when at the end you’re supposed to do agram or more per day.. youre head will spin. Daily microdosing after that then gets good. I took the adjustmant to castration first chemically then literally very hard. The cancer shink wanted me on calonapin then lexipro for two months before he even would me. My wife explicitely did not want me on phycotropics and more chemicals. Im having fun with it. .. That is something for me , because otherwise my journey with APC has not been a pleasent one.. Good luck forward on your journey...

YYJguy profile image
YYJguy in reply to


Prostatefighter profile image
Prostatefighter in reply to Beermaker

Yup suppositories stop the high. Good luck all x

Hey guy, read my bio. I started Rso from my dx 3yrs ago. Ive done tons . Including 60 gms in 90 days 3 times. Now im on a daily maintenace dose. Ive also been undera naturalpathic onocolgist diet and nutrient plan . I did vitamin c ivs heavily during my first two years. Ive had no visable signs now for two years. Still on adt for life i assume. Or until if or when it fails. The rso for me helps make my life a little more enjoyable and lets me think about APC and the Daily BS that entails. Less... Thats one mans tale. Me , many oppose MM . Im an advocate . All conventional treatments are us, but needed to survive .. keeping those canabanoid receptors happy promotes good feelings and in my practiced opinion helps to calms my other wise chemically wacked out performance. Music sounds better comady is funnier food taste better.. whats not to like. Not for everybody, just a personal lifestyle choice. I Was not a big pot smoker before. Now call me “ “ bald rasta” i just dont care.. sooner or later this thing will get us all . we cant jump ship. Just try to find daily enjoyment while we’re here friend.. There is a huge homeopathic belief that canby is benificial to cancer patients. I am one of them. Peace to you ,enjoy this weekend and every day not bogged down in pain or suffering. Do whatever works for you to feel best.. Good luck compadre! We all need a bit of that too.. Kerp the faith🍀

in reply to

My husband did the RSO regimen for 90 days. It didn't do anything for his cancer but it definitely made him super stoned 24/7. We all look back at that phase and half laugh, half shudder remembering how he was such a zombie.

in reply to

That doesnt sound good. I am sorry. So many of us doing so many varied thing to extend our lifes. It is a heavy dose even for a confirmed stoner.which i was not prior to APC .. i can recall times it was hard to get off the couch nor did i want to. I was also fasting and doing radiation.. Id pass out sometimes when just. walking around the house.. Flash ( forward three years and im doing only a small maintainace dose daily . My tolerance now is so high ,i can smoke most brAnds like a rastaman with pure enjoyment. Not for all . Sorry that it didnt help your guy any. At least he tried . I give him credit.. With your love hes a lucky man for eternity..

johnscats profile image

Hi every one update just had my scan through another doc no detectable cancer in lymphatic system bones staberlized or healing he's not sure which prostrate reduced rough edges vanished . Doc says never seen adt treatment do this trouble now is finding the oil here hard to get due to it is illegal here still keep the faith everyone j

in reply to johnscats

Great news! From where do you hail? The oil is easily obtainable in the US..Good news for one of us is good news for all .

johnscats profile image
johnscats in reply to

i lulu thanks for that i will keep everyone posted on the oil and any developments with it god bless j

YYJguy profile image
YYJguy in reply to johnscats

Any updates? Im using RSO protocol now 8 strain 1g a day suppositories for 90 days.

Prostatefighter profile image
Prostatefighter in reply to YYJguy

How did this go ? Any luck?

VIC-BC profile image
VIC-BC in reply to Prostatefighter

I am in month 3 of the suggested 1 gm per day (2 x 500mg suppository) protocol and 20mg orally at night to have the greatest sleeps of my lifetime. Oil is absorbed into the lymphatic system mainly this way (rectal dosing) and with mets in a few lymph this made sense to me. Having been through Sabr already I decided to proceed with a few additional months as Rick Simpson and Jundrich Bayer recommend in their writings.At this time my overall general well being has improved substantively and I will be doing another MRI soon to scope what is still lighting up.

I see it all as complementary to the absolute diet changes to whole food plant based diet, juicing, anti-cancer foods, and integrative supplements. Its another arsenal in the battle if nothing else.

The overall quality of life is essential on this journey. ✨️

We all know there is no 'one size fits all'.

Prostatefighter profile image
Prostatefighter in reply to VIC-BC

Thank you for your reply. May I ask re diet, do you have much of an appetite still? Also, are you on any other painkillers meds? Is RSO an effective standalone pain relief? And yes I wholeheartedly agree with you re the clean diet etc, crucial. Many thanks.

VIC-BC profile image
VIC-BC in reply to Prostatefighter

I would suggest looking for the booklet Jundrich Bayer produced on RSO online. I cannot speak to pain management but the oral dosing as mentioned promotes amazing rest and helps healing. Cannabidiol is bioidentical to our endocannabinoid systems and its all a science to itself that has not ( and likely will not) see any research as the mainstream dismisses its wide array of benefits. (Unpatentable by the pharmakeia consortiums 🙄)

johnscats profile image

Hi everyone just an update on rso oil my gp organized scan on 25th of July saw him yesterday prostrate has returned to normal size lmph nodes reduced to normal size mets undetectable on pelvis and femur ribs and spine mets staberlized or could be healing he not seen it before still on 1 gram rso oil per day with juice diet no meat just chicken turkey and fish . Also anyone need zytiga tabs and steroids as I stopped taking them when I went on rso oil best wishes everyone will post another blog on treatment end of month xxxj

Prostatefighter profile image
Prostatefighter in reply to johnscats

This is really wonderful news. Would you mind giving details of your regimine, quantities etc :)

johnscats profile image
johnscats in reply to Prostatefighter

Yes of course I stopped taking it because of cost and it is illegal in my country cancer came back but have started again with a new supply of flowers I now make my own roughly a 4% CBD to 1% THC mix this is not completely accurate but close I take 4 mu and melatonin 20 mg at bedtime along with my oil and fenbenzenol turmeric scince I restarted PSA is starting to drop again from 6 to 2 now but I am still using firmagon again which I hope to stop shortly hope this helps don't know whether it's a cure or not but it definitely has an effect as firmagon was becoming non effective this appears to have reversed now having a scan on July 26th CT with contrast will hopefully know more then .

johnscats profile image
johnscats in reply to johnscats

That should be 3% CBD not 4%

Prostatefighter profile image
Prostatefighter in reply to johnscats

Thanks for your quick response John . Delighted for you 👍 I actually private messaged you too with some qs! You say illegal in your country, is that the UK?

johnscats profile image
johnscats in reply to Prostatefighter

No Ireland

That’s the best response that I’ve heard.. keep on!

Debraw86 profile image

Hey John. Great news on RSO. Ive just recently got some for a family member, prostate too. Question, if you don't mind answering - what were your PSA levels at the time of diagnosis?

johnscats profile image
johnscats in reply to Debraw86

Hi my psa was 464 and Gleaston score 9 with extensive bone mets and lymphnodes and lung best wishes john

johnscats profile image
johnscats in reply to Debraw86


Faidhi profile image

Hi there

What is the news, are you still on the oil and quit the firmagon

johnscats profile image
johnscats in reply to Faidhi

No on both

johnscats profile image

Still on adt and rso oil also added 4MU and milkthistle psa hasn't moved since last blood test last week j

Itsmetjay profile image
Itsmetjay in reply to johnscats

What is 4MU

FYI since every human is different you need to do your own "Cannabis DNA Profile" thru a company called tell them Drew from Endocannabinoid Health Organization sent you. Once done they will tell you specific strainds and dosage information for healing your own body. The key is you want to heal your endocannbinoid system with cannabis at low dosages. I personally healed horrific hemorrhoids from my body which I found most of my info from they are a bit advanced on all cannabis knowledge.

Good luck you can find me at I'm trying to launch this new non profit website to help heal the worlds endocannabinoid systems thru studies, doctors and good old education.

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