I'm have been on firmagon since Dec 17 and rso oil since last March scans are showing cancer now undetectable in bone mets lymphnodes and all other organs and lungs clear psa is 2.16 from the doc was telling me my psa old go to zero does anyone know how that can happen as I still have prostrate and the normal cells should be making psa in my prostrate because at this stage am in early cured or in remission my doc says he doesn't know as he hasn't seen a result from firmagon like this before I was thinking of dropping the firmagon and just use the rso oil and if my scans and bloods remaiin normal I'll start reducing that. Has anyone experience this before best wishes to everyone j
Prostate cancer adt treatment and r... - Advanced Prostate...
Prostate cancer adt treatment and rso oil combination

What is your testosterone level? It's possible that the Firmagon is not getting it low enough. Or that castration resistance is beginning.
RSO? Rick Simpson and his magic Oil? Useless against cancer, but great at emptying your bank account.
This is a support group. Insulting a member who has achieved a great result isn't support.
There is no insult.
I’m supporting him in an attempt to prevent his early death from relying on snake oil. And any other members of this forum with similar ludicrous ideas about Rick Simpson and his amazing magic oil. (Which, by the way, has no effect whatsoever in curing cancer. Great for anxiety and some pain relief though)
Congratulations on a great result! I wouldn't worry too much about the PSA if all the scans are clear. While there will always be some cancer cells around, if tumor sites are too small to detect and you aren't having any symptoms I'd call that success.
PSA comes from inflammation as well as from cancer. Who knows, perhaps it will decline more over time.
My goal is to die with prostate cancer and not of prostate cancer. I don't care if my PSA is 0 or 20 or 200, what matters is how I feel and how I spend whatever time I have left.
Stopping a treatment that seems to be working is a personal choice. I have no direct experience with a result like yours. A lot depends on how you feel on Firmagon and RSO. If you feel OK, why not leave well enough alone? If the castration makes you feel terrible, I could understand stopping the Firmagon. You can always restart if the cancer returns, but it might not respond the same way the next time around.
Good luck to you! Keep us posted on your progress. Ignore the haters, keep doing what works for you.
Thanks I was getting worried thier best ofuck everyone and thanks for ur help j
That is some of the worst advice I've ever read on this site. This is a support site - we are here to help, not give bad advice that will surely result in an early death. Most people feel fine until end stage disease. Stopping therapy just because they feel fine now is terrible advice.
Totally agree. I’ve just been admonished for questioning RSO, which will most certainly result in his early demise. FCoffey you are correct, this is a support group, however that also means supporting people who are about to make a fatal decision.
My stance on RSO stands, you’d be better off putting it in your car engine.
Totally agree. I’ve just been admonished for questioning RSO, which will most certainly result in his early demise. FCoffey you are correct, this is a support group, however that also means supporting people who are about to make a fatal decision.
My stance on RSO stands, you’d be better off putting it in your car engine.
Where did you get your oil and how did you use it. I’m going to try it also.
Thanks johnscats

I have been making my own oil, I have stage 4 grade 5 Pc and have been through surgery, radiation and chemo. I would be happy to send any information I have gathered so far. God Bless
Please send me what you use and how you decided on which of the many options to do. Did you have help in deciding. I have the ability to make the oil but out of which plant? I know that so many people get a lot of help with side effects of the treatments and a I can’t understand why there aren’t trials going on to see if it will help with the disease.
I would never stop my treatments prescribed by my drs. I also know that every treatment for PC is experimental except those that get the surgery and it gets it all.

I live in Indiana where cannabis is not legal for any use so I had to find a source I trusted to get the product. It is very high in thc and I have a lot of trouble taking it orally I just could never get used to it. I do have my own plants going now and they are a mixture of about 70% thc and 30% cbd or at least that's what I was told when I ordered them. I do use 99.9% rubbing alcohol to make mine, I have looked at other stuff but the boiling point is a little higher in rubbing alcohol than some of the other stuff. I ordered suppository from Amazon and got some coconut butter to mix it with so it would set up. I measured how many ml 12 molds would hold and subtracted how much oil I want in each one and then mixed the oil so I get roughly the same amount in each suppository. I will post where I ordered my seeds from, they have a scale of the thc and cbd level for each type of plant.

I use royal jack auto from royal seeds in Spain you can use blueberry have a medium to high in cbd and between 16% to 19 % thc you can use it as a suppository to allow you to function it kills the high that way and under the tongue before bed I also take tumeric and milk thistle 4MU and a good organic diet no dairy or suger I also had day treatment but am off it now 1 year almost and cancer undectable no pain everything stable best of luck j
How are you doing? Give us some update! Still on firmagon + rso?
yes still on it psa 2.16 to 2.19 it goes up and down
New psa result yesterday psa 2.0 also added salvesterols 8 a day plus biotin as a binder keep up the fight everyone