Recently started low dose atorvastatin. I have seen journal articles showing it can make it worse, no affect and improve outcomes if started AFTER starting ADT. Opinions?
Statins and Prostate Cancer - Advanced Prostate...
Statins and Prostate Cancer

Yes - that's what happens when we use lower level evidence to inform treatment decisions. There isn't enough consistency between studies to draw a definitive conclusion. If there is a benefit, it is likely very small. Since heart disease is 20 x the killer of older men, all we can do is acknowledge the risk (if there is any) or benefit (if there is any), and take our medicine.
The highest level of evidence I've seen on the subject (Level 2a-Mendelian randomization) is showing no effect on prostate cancer or slight reduction in incidence:
In a few years we will have Level 1 evidence:
I've been taking atorvastatin for 3 years, results effect, my PSA remains undetectable. ....One effect, my cholesterol is taking nose dives consistently
I continue taking atorvastatin and metformin. I won't be swayed by erudite opinions.