My father had radiation that overlapped his docetaxel treatments. He got very sick from it. Developed rash, fever of 101.3. Lost 24 pounds blood count below 2900 and very low iron and potassium to the point of blood transfusions and hospitalization. The dr said was the combo of two radiation and chemo. Well fast forward we are on round 4 and I'm afraid happening again. He developed rash and fever again. Dr had said radiation should be out of his system. He gets the docetaxel every 20 something days. Anybody out there with this type of reaction to docetaxel? I cant convince my father to get second opinion. Stubborn man.
Anybody experience rash and fever aft... - Advanced Prostate...
Anybody experience rash and fever after docetaxel and neulasta?
I just completed my 13th Chemo treatment of docetaxel. I get a rash every time I have Chemo. It used to be mild but since it is now my 13th Chemo treatment the rash is much worse. It feels more like a bad sunburn than just a bad itch. I've been to a dermatologist. Daily I use aquaphor to minimize the rash before it starts. When the rash is bad, I use Clobetasol Propionate Cream which is a prescription that the dermatologist provided.
I had a horrible rash on my arms and hands all during docetaxel. A steroid cream helped a bit. I also got anemic. I was told that radiation and Docetaxel should not be given simultaneously. You need SECOND OPINION!
Riding in a car is painful for him he has mets all over but the spine is pretty bad. 1 caused compression fracture at t12 making him wheelchair bound. To get a second opinion would have to drive further. He lives in a small town in northeastern PA. He refuses to see different doctor. The doctor never told us that combining the two could be so bad that's what I was most upset by. His BP dropped to 60/47 and had fever. Had to be rushed to hospital. Blood count was real low.
We all wish you good luck with on-going treatments.
If you don't get a second opinion, the information in this Full Prescribing Information for Docetaxel might help for orientation and decision-making consultations with his doctor and with the hospital. Look in particular for the parts about what blood test levels should be being used to trigger dose modifications or stoppage of docetaxel.
"Prostate Cancer Combination therapy with TAXOTERE for hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer
TAXOTERE should be administered when the neutrophil count is ≥1,500 cells/mm3. Patients who experience either febrile neutropenia, neutrophils <500 cells/mm3 for more than one week, severe or cumulative cutaneous reactions or moderate neurosensory signs and/or symptoms during TAXOTERE therapy should have the dosage of TAXOTERE reduced from 75 to 60 mg/m². If the patient continues to experience these reactions at 60 mg/m², the treatment should be discontinued."
On a related matter that is close to my heart as a Stage IV patient, myself, I have seen several men from local prostate cancer support groups who developed cascading symptoms during advanced treatments, and who died during the past year after a short sequence of hospital stays, sooner than they or their caregivers had anticipated.
These preparedness resources/links might help, in regard. The local hospital and some of the more senior nurses/case managers/social workers on staff might be able to advise, also.
Pennsylvania Advance Health Care Directive Planning Information:
My white and red blood count drops everytime I get a Chemo treatment. I also get a timed neulasta injection. It's purpose is to cause my body to build up the white blood cells more quickly. The down side to neulasta, is that it tends to cause bone pain.