I just completed the three infusions of the Provenge treatment. As is seemingly common, my PSA rose modestly over the 6-week period. I understand this and that the ultimate benefits of Provenge (extended survival) may or may not occur at a later date.
Before and during this treatment, I stopped taking all of the many supplements (that I have been taking for over two years) to avoid any conflicts. Now, however, I plan to take a variety of supplements again as I had previously. I have done considerable research looking for supplements that might "activate" my new Provenge-modified cells, but, alas, I have found nothing (other than "spot radiation") that might help. I also want to avoid any supplements that might prevent Provenge from improving my cancer fight!
I would appreciate recommendations concerning any supplements or supplement treatment strategies that might put the modified Provenge cells now circulating through my body to work killing cancer cells. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I have advanced prostate cancer, diagnosed 6/2015, metastasized, Gleason's 9-10, PSA now 25. Many thanks for everyone's help.