Has my second Xofigo injection yesterday. The injection itself is a piece of cake. Only noticeable side effects have been decreased appetite and fatigue. Although, the increased fatigue may be due to the 2mg of hydromorphone every 4 hours for cancer pain I have been taking for the last couple of months. Still taking lots of naps and suffering from drowsiness and lack of energy. Stomach pain believed caused by the hydromorphone is still controlled by the prochloromazine and decreased portions on eating and watching what I eat. I have discovered eating a prepackaged cheese snack like baby bels or sticks or slices after each dose of hydromorphone helps too. Blood tests have remained pretty much normal, PSA 1.07 and Testosterone 12
Can't play golf or shuffleboard because of the spinal cancer pain. Activity pretty limited to Bocce 4 time a week. Last week I started feeling a little better overall so i have started light resistance exercises with a stretch band and walking on alternating days to try to get my stamina back up.
Expect to resume Xgeva shots next month at the urging of my oncologist since my last scans showed the first evidence of mild vertabral compression.
Hope this is helpful for those of you looking at going on Xofigo.