Last year at this time, my first Axumin study show Pca activity in the prostate area as well as extensive mets in lumbar spine and both pelvic wings. I had five Xofigo infusions treatments ending in June, 2017. This week, a new Axumin Study showed complete resolution of the hot spots in the Prostate area and really marked reduction of those in the pelvis and spine--reductions in brightness scores for example from 12.3 to 2.6. My MO's comment was, "We almost never see results this dramatic." I attribute the reduction in bone mets to Xofigo, but keep in mind that in the last three years I've been on Lupron and a variety of oral hormone therapy drugs (most recently Zytiga for the last nine months), have been treated with Taxotere and Provenge as well as adopting a dairy and meat-free diet. I offer this news especially to all those who are newly diagnosed at stage 4 and who are fearful of these treatments. I was diagnosed at age 70 and my urologist said the typical disease progression would give me two more years. I'm 73 now and feeling better than ever.
Axumin Study: Xofigo Working - Advanced Prostate...
Axumin Study: Xofigo Working

Life just keeps getting more surprising!
Thats a great outcome Reptale. Looks like that your team has thrown everything at this and are getting results for you. Keep it going.
I add my congrads Reptale!
For sake of discussion, my cancer is different, and my experience with Axumen was different. This doesn't at all poo-poo your point and it's usefulness in your ongoing saga.
I don't have any bone mets (yet?) but have what would be consistently rising PSA (in the absence of Xtandi), which has been assumed to be in abdominal nodes. To evaluate this, I considered PSMA, Axumin, C11-Choline, and C11-Acetate (the 4 "big names). I chose Axumin, primarily due to its coverage by Medicare (I am 67). Had it in Dec 2017 at Phoenix Molecular Imaging. It was negative. I then had the C11 Acetate scans there in Jan, and it discovered 3 abdominal nodes. Again, not to draw any conclusions on Axumin, as your experience with it speaks for itself.