I did not believe I had ADHD when I was late diagnosed 13 years ago. (By then the damage was done.) I did not really believe it, because I didn't know anything about it except that you could be hyperactive or interested in a lot of things or that it wasn't real, only spoiled kids had ADHD. I never once thought that was me, it couldn't be. Never once, did I think ADHD was my problem. Wow. I've been stunned by all I've recently learned, and relieved at the same time. Relieved because what I've learned about ADHD explains so much. It explains everything. I'm relieved to not be blaming myself, loathing myself but I seem to be stuck in grief. It's a blessing to have so many questions answered and to be able to let go of so many things. However, I've gone for over 60 years not knowing, not being told even when searching through psychiatrists and neurologists. (I'm actually trying to avoid going into that frustrating "journey"...
Skipping past a lot of my journey, today I am trying to move forward. Signing up for this forum is a step.
I realized that the only way to live with this is to go with the flow. However still working on how to do that.