when and how should I take my medicat... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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when and how should I take my medication

JoGirl89 profile image
5 Replies

I started taking methylphenidate (xaggitin xl) about a month ago, started on 18mg, upped to 36mg after two weeks.

I expected I will get my dose increased at my next appointment tomorrow but the appointments are very short (out sourced from the NHS to clinical partners for diagnosis and starting treatment) so I was hoping I might get a few answers here to narrow down my list of questions to ask.

Time to take:

I have been taking my medication between 6:30 and 8:30 (shortly after waking up) but I saw a study about how if you wait for about two hours after waking before drinking coffee so that the natural adenosine levels in your body drop so when the caffeine wears off you get less of a crash (I don’t drink coffee when taking the medication), does this also apply to stimulant medication?

What time do people find it best to take their meds and how late is too late?

How to take:

My adhd doctor said to take the medication with breakfast but I find it really hard to eat in the morning. The information that came with the medication said to take with or without food. Does it make a difference to how the medication works or how long it lasts?

I was also wondering if sugar effects the medication?

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JoGirl89 profile image
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5 Replies
STEM_Dad profile image

Your doctor might be speaking from their own experience or that if colleagues, or might be aware of research or guidelines which recommend taking with food. The paperwork guidelines are probably based on the clinical trials for the medication.

It would be best to ask your doctor.

When I was married, my wife usually didn't eat breakfast, but when she was in certain medications (none of them an ADHD stimulant) she found it better to eat a little something so that she wouldn't have an upset stomach. (Toast was enough for her.)

For my own metabolism, I have to eat breakfast. So I can't relate. The only medication I'm comfortable taking on an empty stomach is Tylenol. I take atomoxetine for ADHD, which I have to take with food, or else I get hit with a wave of nausea within 20-30 minutes after taking. (I believe the literature says that I can take it with or without food, but I know my own metabolism, and I learned the hard way how my stomach reacts to that medication.)

Memalou profile image

Hi JoGirl,

I find that the timing for me doesn’t matter as much as making sure I eat it with food. I take my first dose between 6:30 and 7:30 am. I am not very hungry either so I’ve worked to find foods that are easy for me to eat. Yogurt wgranola, keifer and half an apple. If I do not eat crash is much more intense. I also need to make sure to get my second dose in 4 hours later. I haven’t found sugar to be a negative. In fact I sometimes need a sucker or something small to “feed” the stimulant. If I do not eat is when I run into issues. I’ve made sure to keep snacks in my bag and car so that I can avoid forgetting to eat.

AKM92 profile image

Hey :)

I take my first dose when I wake up, with my morning coffee 🙈 I’m on 45mg in the morning and take it around 7am everyday. I never eat breakfast, I never have really. I do take another dose of 27mg between 1-2pm as well because otherwise I crash and I’m exhausted. It’s metabolises differently with everyone, some people it will last all day and others only a few hours. The way I do it probably isn’t advisable but it works for me and has done for about a year so far x

stevedomer123 profile image

ye i had the same problem such a pain to eat some morning but you need food to take meds it doesn't have to be a alot but you need something in stomach before you take meds

Slmndrs profile image

I'm also on 36mg Concerta (generic). I take mine when I wake up/before leaving for work because I need an easy routine to remember to take it out. Some days I eat breakfast and some days I don't. I almost always have coffee and usually have some milk in it though. I've never noticed a difference between breakfast days and non-breakfast days.

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