I was diagnosed as a child (one or two years after my twin brother) in grade 3 and have been medicated ever since. I started off with Concerta, moved to Ritalin 10mg once in the morning and I am currently on Ritalin 20mg LA one in the morning. I was enrolled into a remedial school where there were therapists on staff for kids until grade 6, if I remember correctly they were speech therapists, occupational therapists, remedial and psychology. I did see three of the four but I was never taught ways to live with my ADHD other than with medication.
I am currently 21 and in university (online), and I have no idea what I am doing. I don't know how to tell if my medication is working for me or what side effects I am getting from it.
So I guess my question is, how do I do it? How do I notice what side effects occur and when, or what changes are happening, and what exactly am I supposed to be seeing?
All I know is that when I do take my medication, my appetite decreases or vanishes all together. I take my medication only when I do any school work, and sometimes it feels like that isn't enough, but I don't know if that is actually the case or if I am being paranoid.
There is also the thing with being overwhelmed or overstimulated, and I think I have experienced them, but I am not sure because I don't know how to tell if I am overwhelmed or overstimulated.
I have done some reading, but I don't know how to tell when or if I am experiencing what is listed or talked about.
So if anyone could help me with advice on how to figure this out, it would be most appreciated.