Hi I lived most of my life as a person who was "over the top" in many ways, would drive myself to exhaustion, excel at everything I focused on until I exahusted myself and quit..
I have been diagnosed with ADHD several times by a psychologist--(not accepted as legitimate medical diagnosis here in Canada) - I have a lot of difficulty with organization, over focused on my work (which happens to be my own company I can work from my computer, so that is the only thing that has worked for me long term). Because I am sucessful with my work, people think there is nothing wrong with me, and I hide my physical exahustion and need to stay in bed most of the day.
I am exhuased in the morining and work usually from Bed on my computer and phone because I physically just can't get moving sometimes the whole day...I feel physically exhuasted and then when I try to do social things/going out etc.- I burn out quickly,...usually I drink alcohol for the stress in the evenings, which only makes my mornings worse..
Recently I asked my doctor about trying medication for ADHD, and he said that because I have an arrythmia I can't take the stimulats. (sometimes I wake up and need coffee just to get back to sleep in an hour or so...and I rarely sleep more than 4 or 5 hours at a time...leaving me exausted)
What are some types of medication that are non-stimulant and what are some types of treatment that are non-medical?
Thank you in advance!