Understanding sarcasm and teasing - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Understanding sarcasm and teasing

elanaoali profile image
8 Replies

I am looking for an answer why I dont understand why people teasing me or being sarcastic. I struggle with this all my life. I think people are being serious when they are infact they are teasing. I dont have Adhd but my older brother waiting to get a disagnoses.

I just reaching out for support.

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8 Replies

Any chance you have Asperger's? ADHD can make this hard. And of course we can have multiple conditions.

Sarcasm is quite complicated. Basically what happens is the person utter words that may be critical and so on ... but their body language, their vocal tone, the quality of their voice ... all say the person is NOT really critical.

Most likely you are having trouble reading the body language and vocal tone and you're only paying attention to the words. There are therapies for that.

Example ...

I can say "I love" and mean very different things.

"I love you." Could mean I'm looking at someone, exasperated by some behavior and yet the behavior doesn't disrupt my love ... so I say "I love you" meaning all of you. There are layers there.

"I love you" can mean emphasis on me loving you. I know you're mad at me right now. "but I love you" is my way of saying I'm still committed to you and want to help you live well.

"I love YOU" can mean I know you're down and feeling bad. But I love YOU.

The same words--four different meanings ... captured only through context and vocal tone and body language ...

Well sarcasm is four different things at the same time.

But let me back up here ... You could also just have friends being mean to you. The kindest people I know don't use sarcasm.

elanaoali profile image
elanaoali in reply to Gettingittogether

I dont fit the symptoms of aspergers. I just struggle with knowing when people are teasing me. Thank you for your advice.

StoneJeweler profile image

People who are. insecure, have self doubt etc... are the o ones putting other people down. They think it makes them better, more popular- it doesn't in the long run so they keep it up. It is their belief, but it doesn't make it true. See it for what it truly is. They don't know you, so best to ignore them and find someone wo is nice to you. A good book to read is from Don Ruiz "The 4 Agreements"

Rodster profile image

I don’t think it’s out of the ordinary to not know if people are being sarcastic or not. I think the better you know someone the easier it is to tell. Can you give a specific example of how you are struggling?

elanaoali profile image

At work been there 5 months and they are all lovely. I have warned them not to tease me. They were happy too

Sawdust23 profile image

being teased is no fun! I feel for you and have been there myself. I tried to remind myself that you being teased is really not about you. As mentioned in a previous comment, it has more to do with the teaser than with you. Hang in there. Trust in yourself and love yourself, no matter what is said about you or how you are being treated

IowaRose profile image

Totally understand. I had a hard time in grade school because I couldn't tell.

Lately I ask myself: would this person LITERALLY think this? No- then it's playful teasing.

Sometimes people are plain mean, and they say mean things then say "haha I'm teasing" when clearly they are not. (Just to make it more confusing, boo.)

I read the book "The Asperkid's (Secret) Book of Social Rules" which helped. I'm not Asper and I'm not a kid... maybe you'll find it helpful too.

We are big-hearted people and have so much to give, it's hard when other people aren't straightforward. You're not alone.

elanaoali profile image

Reserved it on my local library service. I think it will be an interesting read

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