I notice that with along with having ADHD I have some sensory issues like feeling overwhelmed about being around alot of people and other issues. When I do my research on ADHD I haven't found anything connecting sensory to ADHD so asking here if anyone knows anything about that or where I can find more info.
ADHD and Sensory Issues: I notice that... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
ADHD and Sensory Issues

Hi Betbren47,
As an ADHDer I can relate to that feeling about being overwhelmed around alot of people. I have diagnosed OCD and suspected autistic traits, so it may be worth looking into those as the potential issue.
Hi..I suffer severely with sensory...I fist thought 'please don't be AuDHD' and I found somewhere that it says sensory is actually apart of adhd...for example, I'm working right next to a road, I suffer from hyper vigilance so I hear every person, every footsteps, any cars or bikes...I can normally listen to some music which helps me dial it in a bit...my biggest issue working there is the fact there is a doctors surgery right opposite and a car park, people constantly bib their impatient horn which then startles me...then as I'm calming it down slowly all of a sudden and car exhaust goes 'BANG' that's it game over...by this point I'm now hearing everything as if its right next to me...I end up losing motivation and just keep thinking I need to get the hell out of here and so I go home where its peaceful and relax for half hour then go back to it...let me see if I can find a link for you..
Hope this help shine a bit of light on things...
Wow yes I can totally relate. I think that's why I prefer to spend all my time at home in a calm environment. I am so for this site bc it helps me feel like I'm not alone with this.
Hyper vigilance usually comes with either our rsd or ptsd.
Correct...I have PTSD...its sucks...causes night terrors...1 always seems to trigger the other off... its just a vicious cycle...RSD is another thing that I struggle massive with..
Same. My ptsd is cptsd. I was trafficked by my mother as a kid, and my father physically battered my brother and assaulted me to the point of compliance. Mother also did a lot of emotional and verbal abuse and narcissistic manipulation. My parents grew marijuana in the basement so I am triggered by the smell, and keep having memories of things related to all of this and my moms crack afdiction. Most of mine are during the day, but disowning my mom and low contact with my dad has helped immensely as well as my DBT. My RSD probably came from how my dad treated me.
Sensory issues are very common for people with ADHD. I also didn’t even realize how much sensory stuff was affecting me until I started Occupational Therapy. Crowded, noisy places would drain me, but I never knew why.
I watched this AMA hellomelo.co/ama-session-re... and they talked about sensory intervention for ADHD at around 18:00 (the time stamp they talk about sensory issue). My OT gave me a sensory assessment just to help me cope with my situations better.
usually sensory issues are more tied to asd, but there is a bit of overlap. My partner thought I was losing my hearing, but the tests resulted that I have twice the range of hearing than most people. This makes my adhd much worse because there are more sounds around a lot of people and that’s what makes me overwhelmed in crowds… not to mention being a slight germ-a-phobe. My rejection sensitivity dysphoria is also heightened in social situations, and I know I can’t hear everyone when there is so many people. I would try and process if it’s the noise, the social or just that there’s a lot of people. For me it’s all to an extent.
I'd like to update a little on this subject...as I've explained about my sensory issues...I do get overwhelmed work right next to a busy road...I've just had my meds altered and yesterday was one hell of a peaceful day...I got home in one of my hissy fits, but on the contrary I was thinking about my day and realised I didn't notice any distractions what so ever...no jumping everytime a car beeped I had full focus and really pushed on through the day...so for me now my meds are working properly, I can feel that radio interference in my head has gone silent...this may mean nothing as some ppl don't take meds, unfortunately I have no choice if I want a PEACEFUL life...if that's even a thing lol...to help with sensory issues we really need something we can have full focus on instead of picking up everything around you...this is one time ADHDers actually need a distraction...your find your way...as always just takes a little tweaking around the issue to make it fit for YOU..
Please ask to chatgpt, gemini etc. It will explain to you very well. I know because i did 😄 but you must asking right questions
hi a consultant told me that adhd sufferers are extra sensitive to noise, smells, and a stack of other stuff. Theres a need for “emotional Regulation” google it. Its a way of tryin to basically calm the f*** down! I watc documentaries, go for a walk etc etc… or if things are too hectic with the hubby and 2 five month old cavamalt puppies, i take myself upstairs and chill watching tv. Ive an issue starting tasks, as i feel completely overwhelmed all the time! Eg i need to clean the house, tidy out cupboards, paint etc etc etc!
Hi. I am also very sensitive to noise. It feels like I hear everything - all the little noises in my environment which overwhelms me. It also makes it difficult to 'zoom in' to hear and understand when people are talking. I work so hard to follow them that I have a hard time remembering everything they said. Which makes me feel stupid.
OMG I totally get. I experience the same. This is why I isolate myself but that's not good too. One of my goals this year is to engage more socially and I've resolved to just do my best and l pray to God to help me not feel stupid but different. I'm grateful for my spiritual walk with Jesus bc it really helps me with my ADHD challenges.
In addition to ADHD, I have autism, and I've always assumed my sensory issues belonged to autism, but admittedly, it's been very hard for me to match symptoms up with my disorders. I hope you find answers!
It's been 2 years since I was diagnosed so this is new to me too. I'm in process of researching ADHD and the connections with sensory challenges esp bc those challenges go hand in hand with autism. Thanks! I'm just plugging away trying to get a clearer understanding of this so that it would be smoother to live my life. Life is hard enough.
My daughter who has ADHD may have the same issues. Do noises bother you? Like ppl chewing etc?
Yes when I'm surrounded in a room full of people the noise is very uncomfortable so I usually walk away from the area. I remember one year at Disney world there so many ppl that I felt overwhelmed and started to walk real fast to find an area that was a bit more secluded with less people. I was in my 40s when we took that vacation to Disney and I remember wondering why I was like this. I wasn't diagnosed then. How old is your daughter?
check this out. I there are a lot of symptoms i.e. sensory issues that can show in ADHD and Autism as well but you need. add.org
is good source