My first psychiatrist did me dirty - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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My first psychiatrist did me dirty

Pianoplayer28 profile image
12 Replies

So I just need to vent here. It took me half a year to find a doctor/psychiatrist who would listen…. And it shouldn’t be that hard…. One of the failed attempts was when I went to my first psychiatrist and explained to her what I struggle with. Didn’t stretch the truth, just said it like it is. She then looked at me and said “what are you asking for, a stimulant?” And I said “no, I’m not pushing you to give me anything, I’m just telling you that I struggle with (such and such).” She then evaluated me right there and said “did you do good in high school? Did you get into any fights? Did you get suspended or expelled from school before?” And I said “well…. No….. although I am very blunt and can come off as rude when I don’t mean to….. I am highly fidgety and inattentive… I space out every second of the day….. AND I’m impulsive!…” She said “well it’s clear to me you don’t have ADHD…. And you have never had any problems with the law so you’re not bipolar” she sat my ass down with that…. Or so I thought…. But before we get to that, she diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder and prescribed me an antidepressant…. Which did nothing for me….. Later after talking with her she told me to go get evaluated and I was thinking ok cool!! Finally something! I had to urge my struggles to her but finally!!!…. Turns out the evaluation was going to cost me $5,000…. I couldn’t afford it… I still can’t. I ended up going to another psychiatrist and well…. He listened to me! He’s still my psychiatrist now and he diagnosed me! He has me on Adderall and it’s made my life so much better!!! I wanted to cry because it’s been a year and a half worth of fighting for my mental health! Don’t give up people! Don’t let other people tell you what you do or don’t struggle with!

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Pianoplayer28 profile image
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12 Replies

Psychiatrists and Psychologists are highly intelligent and very well educated. And about 1/3 of them are just plain 'Whack Jobs." They don't GET IT. I believe they're not able. So they went into this profession because.....? Power? They think they're God? She certainly had all of the answers for you! Your 1st Dr sounds like she's just rude, arrogant, smug,,,,,,, She's the Doctor! Again highly intelligent, very well educated. SHE will tell you what your problem is, no matter what you tell her. Who are you tell her what you're experiencing in your life? How you feel! She's going to tell you!

"She then looked at me and said “what are you asking for, a stimulant?” I'm quite a bit older than you, so for at this stage in life, I probably would have told her F you. And on my way out I'd tell her 'I'm calling my insurance company and recommend they not pay you. And you can chase me for the deductible'. (Maybe this part is just a nice fantasy for me). But I'm guessing you had to pay this fool for her 'Professional time and diagnosis'.

I've met this Dr several times-in different versions. Some of the Dr's were women, but even more were male Dr's. (I do have to say, that in my experience, female Dr's were usually more compassionate, etc).

(Is it possible that I might have some issues about these people/profession? Of course not! No way! Well, maybe?)

-Rule #1, if they make you feel worse about yourself, or you can't talk to them (they don't listen, don't seem to care, abrasive, smug, arrogant, they have the Doctor/God complex,,,, RUN!

Your 2nd Dr sounds tremendously better. He 'Gets It'. And he gets you! He cares and wants to help put you in a better place. Glad you kept trying. For others reading this, you may have to go through several like Dr #1 above.

Sorry that you had to suffer for another year and a half.

"Don’t give up people! Don’t let other people tell you what you do or don’t struggle with!" YES!!!!


Pianoplayer28 profile image
Pianoplayer28 in reply to FindingTheAnswers

Thank you so much! I love this website, I feel like I get so much support! Also thank you for the very fun read! You made me laugh a few times! Especially when you said you would’ve told her “F you!” I was like F yeah!

FindingTheAnswers profile image
FindingTheAnswers in reply to Pianoplayer28

You're on a much better path now. But, of course, like all of us, your path will still have other hardships along the way. Life.I want to ask you to consider 1 thing. Somewhere along your travels in life, you're going to meet someone who will be in a situation that you just went through (or similar) -and they'll need someone's help, support, advice, direction, etc.

What's the meaning of life? I don't know for sure. But part of it is to learn. And for some of us, we learn it the hard way. But hopefully we'll be able to make someones path to find their answers just a little bit easier. Peace to you.

I had a similar experience earlier this year with a therapist, who told me that I did not and could not have ADHD despite being diagnos d and assessed by two psychiatrists last year. I was so upset that I filed a complaint against her. But, last week I was talking to a very well regarded doctor on a casual basis and she also told me that I most likely don't have ADHD. I wasn't upset at this doctor because we had no sort of relationship and I wasn't paying for or expecting anything. Maybe the doctor was right and the therapist was right in my case. I don't know. But, I have tried about ten different ADHD medications and none of them really worked for me. Although, again that doesn't mean I don't have ADHD. But, it is great that Adderall works for you and I am happy that you found a psychiatrist that listens to you without judging. Best of luck.

theDudeishere profile image

That’s about right for how much it cost for a real diagnosis

C0rcovado profile image

I'm finding doctors psychiatrist and psychologist are not at all well trained to tread add/ adhd. Especially women with add. I found out that my hyperactivity is quite odd such as, cleaning the tiles of the bathroom with a toothbrush at 1 am, anger and impulsivity have an odd and unusual not in the books characteristics too so, I keep trying to hrp myself. I want e much to find a therapist but if they are available on my price they aren't good and the good ones I can afford. Only one thing to do, keep on moving... peace to all.

guitargirl58 profile image

Thanks for sharing I had a similar experience with a therapist. It leaves you feeling so uncomfortable and kinda hopeless I have a really good psychiatrist now. It makes a world of difference.

jdelmonaco19 profile image

You are not alone! Great post…truthful and very informative! God bless you! 🙏🏼

Anxiousbiwizard profile image

Feeling similar circumstances here. My primary doc referred me to another doctor, but he said he didn't diagnose ADHD unless I take this test (which I later found out isn't even a reliable measure for ADHD and is NOT supposed to be used for diagnostics). So I'm looking for different doctors all over the place. It's been a struggle. I finally have an appointment set up on the 18th. Your post gives me hope though. 😊

Pianoplayer28 profile image
Pianoplayer28 in reply to Anxiousbiwizard

I wish the best of luck to you!! Remember don’t give up and keep trying! Your mental health is everything! And what you said made me remember that my old doctor sent a referral for a CT scan to test for ADHD and I was like….. wtf! You can’t test for adhd that way! What are they doing? Lmao

WhattaBrain profile image
WhattaBrain in reply to Pianoplayer28

Actually...a CT scan is what the AMEN clinics use and call brain SPECT imaging to diagnose ADHD, Bipolar, brain damage, etc. The scan is meant to show brain activity and is the best method for proper diagnosing. YouTube is a great resource and there is so much information today on ADHD brains that honestly, you don't need an overpaid psychologist to diagnose you.

DesertAl profile image

ADHD as well as any other learned or pathological individual biases are very difficult to self diagnose. Therapist are mostly human, surprisingly not every therapist has a good handle on ADHD. My psychologist also treated me initially for both depression and anxiety disorders. This is done as a tiered use of meds. Depression and anxiety can occur as derivative impacts of ADHD behaviors. I have to believe that any decent Doctor would start with mitigating derivative impacts. I believe the ADHD meds would be prescribed upon determining the type of presentation of your ADHD; this is usually determined after some

amount of cognitive therapy.

Always look for a specialist; my therapist has ADHD, he "gets it."

Another suggestion is to locate local therapist that are trained and certified in EMDR. Therapist that are certified in EMDR should be able to work with you on ADHD.

No matter the meds, you need to commit to trying new meds, no matter how frustrated you get. To many think that medication cures ADHD; medications mitigate ADHD, that is only if you are complaint taking your meds.

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