My psychiatrist refuses to prescribe ... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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My psychiatrist refuses to prescribe me adderall.

ArticFoxQueen profile image
•19 Replies

So I'm going to apologize now as this is going to be long. When I was younger I was diagnosed with, ADHD, ADD, SED, ODD, Severe bipolar. It was real fun to grow up with 🙄 anyways, I was on meds for a long time and them I got a stick up my ass and decided to stop taking them. I think got pregnant at 16, had my daughter still not taking my meds and then got into some terrible abusive relationships and then once I dealt with those for years I turned to drugs. I just wanted to numb every feeling and nerve in my body after dealing with two men back to back doing terrible horrible unthinkable things to me. I regret it so much. But it is what it is, it happened and I have to move on. I refuse to let my past addiction define who I am. So now that I'm 2 years clean (I am prescribed methadone) I decided that I needed to go out and get back on my meds because all I do is sit at home on my ass. I have 4 kids and i dont get up and clean and 4 kids can destroy a house fast. Not to mention laundry. I cant focus long enough to get any school work done because I'm trying really hard to get my GED for work and to show my kids that we have to keep pushing ourselves to be great. I've been playing Russian roulette with meds since I've just started going to this dr office. I'm roughly 3 months in and I've been put on several meds. This last one fetzima was terrible. I had so much rage and irritability in me. It's like it took all my negative feelings and amplified it 100x. I couldn't even stand the sound of my kids voices sometimes and I feel terrible saying that.

My psychiatrist has asked me multiple times what worked for me when I was a kid and I would tell her adderall and everytime I answer the same as soon as I say it you can visually see her disposition change. This last time she informed me that "due to my history of drug use her superior wont let her prescribe stimulants to my kind of people" because I asked her if they were going to treat my ADHD with anything. I dont know what to do I'm literally at a loss completely. It's not easy for me to reach out and get help. I feel like I've been put into a box and profiled. I dont know what to do and I could really use some suggestions.

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ArticFoxQueen profile image
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19 Replies
bennett629 profile image

I wish I had some good advice for you but I will say that it sounds like you have come a long way and that's something to be proud of. You are a great role model for your kids and I believe in you with or without meds. Don't give up!

girlws0ul428 profile image

Hi, I felt as though I was writing your words. It truly is a shame that because we self medicated we are punished. It clearly is an issue that needs to be addressed especially because, its a fact, professionals agree that those diagnosed with ADHD almost always turn to self medication to manage symptoms. Therefore, it is not like its not a validated illness, so they need to take that into consideration and stop profiling people and find solutions to solve the problems and stigmas associated with this situation. Don't give up, try a second opinion, research, or write our elected officials anyone who will listen because change can happen.

CaptainBrainFog profile image

You need to find a psychiatrist that understands dual diagnoses. A good dual diagnosis psychiatrist will know that substance abuse is often just an ADHD symptom, and when you treat the ADHD correctly the substance abuse risk will fall dramatically.

If you can't switch doc at least tell her that there are a lot of ADHD meds with lower abuse potential on the market. Vyvanse comes to mind. And there's also Strattera and Intuniv which works on adhd in a different way. If nothing else then provigil can also help some ADHD symptoms, and it has low abuse potential as well.

The bipolar diagnosis doesn't mean the ADHD shouldn't be treated. A mood stabilizer is often just needed as well.

This is just a pet peeve of mine but also make sure that you are bipolar and not "just" had depression combined with ADHD. If you balance the treatment wrong of these two, people can appear bipolar without truly being it. More on that in the link:

Doballe profile image

You’ve made huge strides in your life already without Adderall!! Don’t sell yourself short. IMO, You really only have two choices. Find a different doctor or find an alternative. I feel like it’s easy for people searching for answers to forget that it is a doctors reputation, license and career on the line when they dispense a controlled substance. Have you asked your doctor what other Rx’s would be ok if Adderall is not an option? Are you following a ADHD healthy eating plan? Have you tried supplements like Focus Factor? If RX medication is not an option for you; you’ve got to find an alternative. Cognitive Behavior therapy apps can be found for free. Setting small doable goals give you a feeling a success that you can capitalize on. Breaking down tasks into 15 minutes intervals helps me a lot.

You’ve already accomplished so much! You obviously have it in you! Please don’t give up.

susiehogg profile image
susiehogg in reply to Doballe

Are you seriously, a diagnosed ADHD person who has a LIFE?

Doballe profile image
Doballe in reply to susiehogg

Why are you attacking me for trying to offer my opinion to her question? It’s another point of view. It may or may not be of help.

And, yes I’m a full time plus overtime working adult who works a detail oriented, physically and mentally demanding job overnight and I have done so for DECADES.

I was diagnosed with ADHD after the age of 40. All the things I’ve struggled with my whole life suddenly fell into place with lifestyle, food, therapy, nutritional and occasional RX support.

Until you’ve walked a mile In someone else’s shoes; you aren’t qualified to judge them.

boymom00 profile image

The first thing I would say, of course, is congratulations on being 2 years clean! (And screw anyone who says methadone doesn't count as being clean!) Your best bet would be to change doctors, but I know that isn't always possible, as you could just be stuck with who you have due to insurance or any number of circumstances. I would ask your counselor at the treatment center where you receive methadone treatment for some suggestions, either in how to deal with your current doctor, or in finding another doctor that will work better with you and not just stamp you with an "addict" label. I have not had a history of drug abuse, but I have had a JERK for a doctor recently (who treated me like a drug seeker just for having an Rx for Adderall as a SAHM), so I say this with my own grain of salt. But try your very very best not to be defensive with your doctor. The gov't in the last few years has made a HUGE deal out of doctors Rx'ing controlled substances, regardless of whether they are warranted or not, so doctors generally feel like they are under a microscope, especially if your doc is under a gov't program like Medicaid. So they are going to be hesitant to Rx a controlled substance to anyone, and with you having a history of drug abuse, that hesitance is multiplied. So, don't think of it as if they are punishing you, they are probably just going too far trying to cover their own behinds. And if you get defensive with them, it is just going to give them justification for their actions. So be sweet, fake it if you have to (I had to, believe me!), ask what THEY think you should do, what other medicine THEY suggest you try, etc. Doctors are trained that addicts/drug seekers will be very specific in what they ask for, so make THEM tell you what they want to do. Of course, this is all if you have stay with your current doctor. Your best bet is to switch, but I know that isn't always possible. You could also ask your current provide for a referral to someone who specializes in treating mental health in patients with drug abuse history. Good luck! I hope you are able to make some progress with this situation!

susiehogg profile image

Time to SPEAK TRUTHS HERE! I might be kicked off site now, but Im going to answer your desparate "REACH OUT" here! Get RID of her a..!!!! Find a REAL ADHD DOCTOR!! Yours does NOT GIVE HOOT & IS COVERING HER A..! You need Adderal Not Methadone! ONLY YOU CAN GET THERE & HELP YOURSELF!!

*** This is very Reason and they DO EXIST!!! Doctors who will prescribe for CASH ONLY! Opps did I say that??

RMackai profile image

Hi, First of I think your totally justified to feel this way. I felt exactly the same when I was told this almost to the point of saying forget it then. I was diagnosed as an adult and only found out I had ADHD through experimental drug taking let's say. Not as bad as that actually, I was never one for drugs more alcohol but I did find out that stimulants gave me the ability to focus and feel normal through taking someone else's medication.

I found that the doc was happy to prescribe strattera and stuck with the drug through some tough side effects and I do feel more normal at least. It is irritating however that he won't prescribe stimulant since I could use it these days while studying a degree. I find when I'm on stimulants too much that they don't help long term anyways. I tend to implement routines and get on better.

I think the most offensive thing about this however is that when I quizzed him about it he said. I don't think you would abuse the drug, it's not about that. In general people who have abused drugs tend to sell the drug. So yeah he thinks I'd be selling it. Wow.

If I were to be completely honest here is say perhaps don't let it get to you, adding another medicine will not do the health much good long term. If there is anxiety issues keeping you from going straight outside try meditation (I know, I know may sound dumb but this actually worked for me albeit after a long time and when I'd got over the worst part of my anxiety). And keep your chin up, seems like you've powered through so much to be annoyed at such a little matter. GL

Jim1979 profile image

This psychiatrist has an agenda and is a big liability, look for another one soon as possible ! I'm not surprised if she's one of those holistic freaks pretending to be some doctor, had this happen to me once in CA.

To prove these doctors wrong, do a gene test for medicine and it will show adderall works.

ArticFoxQueen profile image

Omg my baby broke my phone I'm reading everything everyone wrote and it just warms my heart! I'm going to write more when I get q moment I just didnt want anyone to think their words went unheard!! Thank you all!!

ArticFoxQueen profile image

Thank you so much everyone for your kind and encouraging words. I'm trying very hard to not let this get me down. But it's really hard. A big part of my depression is because of my ADHD, I'm trying to get a GED and cant because I can't focus, which makes me really depressed. I can't seem to get my ass off the couch most days because I am so caught up in my self pity because I'm over weight and don't want to clean my house and dont want to do this or that. There are times when my bipolar kicks in and I make a little plan for myself and I do it for alittle while then something triggers me and I either blow up with rage or cry. I hate feeling like a mental psycho bomb. I just want to be happy and feel happy. I hate this dr...

Doballe profile image

Are you getting treatment for depression? Have they checked your thyroid and/ or hormones? Is any of this a known side effect of methadone? Child birth, stress, medication etc can wreck havoc on your body and mind.

ArticFoxQueen profile image
ArticFoxQueen in reply to Doballe

Nothing is from my methadone at least the problems that I am having 🤷‍♀️

Bynddrvn profile image

Usually when there are substance abuse issues, medical professionals err on the side of caution and only prescribe slow release formulas. There are plenty of studies that show the concerns over stimulant medications are overblown. It sounds as though she wasn't even considering slow release formulas which is odd. Maybe she isn't up to date on the latest research?

Anyway, I would bring it up and if she refuses you might have to find another therapist.

You may also want to check out narcissistic abuse videos on youtube. I found Lisa A Romano online and she has been an absolute Godsend for me. Therapist after therapist seemed more interested in covering up my symptoms, instead of finding out the root of the issue. Someone said it was like prescribing pain meds when you have a thorn in your foot but never actually taking the thorn out. I think that was a good analogy.

Hope this helps and good luck.

ArticFoxQueen profile image
ArticFoxQueen in reply to Bynddrvn

Thank you this really hits the nail on the head. She is completely refusing which has made it hard for me. I want to know so many of these people want to just profile me and not care. My addiction was a huge part of my life and I want help processing through all that hate and despair. I hate that I have to act like it didnt happen to get the right meds that I need.

Nikkiandthree profile image

I have same issue I cant even find a doctor Let alone getting prescribed after I have been diagnosed and once my doctor passed away I was left cold Turkey all mental health meds

Anonymous91 profile image

I thoroughly read your post and I wanted to ask if there was anything elaborated after the fact that your psychiatrist didn't want to prescribe you adderall due to your past. Did your psychiatrist talk about alternatives or make another proposition after this evaluation?

I can totally relate to this as I’m experiencing the exact same problem. I was diagnosed only 3 weeks ago. I was completely honest. I’m 37 and have in the past substance misuse issues. I now see this as a way of self medication to lessen the symptoms of my undiagnosed ADHD. When I used I could function. I freely admit that I have a co-existing condition of addiction and now ADHD but I’ve been clean for a number of years and no psychiatrist will go near me as a patient. I’m tarred by a brush for life and after getting the diagnosis and feeling relief I feel really let down! So I feel your frustration. I’m so new to this but I can only hope that a clinician with compassion can be found and help us! It’s catch 22. All the best and keep strong!

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