I need some advice. I have a child who was diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago. In all my research on his behalf, I began to realize the traits being described described me as a child. So I read some articles about adult ADHD, and ADHD in women.... my mind was BLOWN at how much I related to it all. I learned about the genetic component, and how mine was a common story (your kid is diagnosed, then you are). I had been struggling a lot in recent years with what seem to be anxiety issues at times (which I believe is playing a part here), but ADHD seemed to be looking like a bigger part of the picture, and perhaps more at route of the anxiety. (Stress plays a big part, too, but even that seems to be amplified by the ADHD).
So with that bit of background info... I recently started seeing a therapist to try to diagnose the possible ADHD, and to deal with some of the stress and work through all of that.
Trouble is, the therapist doesn’t think it’s ADHD. Her reasons are that a lot of my symptoms are present in anxiety, and she doesn’t see a lot of the “hallmarks of ADHD” in me.
But.... the hallmarks she listed are more typical of boys. I’ve done a lot of research about adult ADHD in women, and I feel like she’s missing the mark. I honestly feel like she’s misinformed. I also realize, however, that she’s more knowledgeable on the subject than I am, as a whole, I just am not convinced she understands how ADHD presents differently in women. She has also asked me very little about my possible symptoms as a child.
I guess what I’m really wanting here is opinions from those of you who have been diagnosed - should I schedule with my GP to discuss this further? Or a psychiatrist? She recommended I try my son’s meds one day and see how I feel. She also recommended talking to my son’s psychiatrist the next time I’m there about myself, or at least the differences between ADHD and anxiety. (I’m not very comfortable with that - would rather keep his appointments focused on him.) She also said I was a “tough nut to crack”, and that she wasn’t sure which one or both were going on with me.
Any advice you might have would be so greatly appreciated!