Just Diagnosed, Treatment?: I'm new... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Just Diagnosed, Treatment?

ActiveGirl profile image
12 Replies

I'm new here since I'm just getting my ADHD diagnosis at 23 years old, having a name for the things that make me different has help me a lot, but I have so many questions of how to managed some of my symptoms and what things I can contribute to my ADHD and what it's just my history and personality.

I'm not sure I want to get medication, but I'm open to hear ideas of what has help you with your ADHD.

Thanks :)

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ActiveGirl profile image
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12 Replies
RCJH8610 profile image

Hello and welcome! I can relate to the late-in-life diagnosis. I wasn’t formally diagnosed until I was 29. The diagnosis was a game changer for me. I agree that having a name for it helped tremendously. In my personal experience treatment with medication (stimulant) was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I am finally able to think clearly, I’m less anxious, more “sure” of myself, and am able to handle stress. Life with ADHD is forever so although the medication has greatly improved my quality of life, it isn’t a cure all and I still struggle with executing functioning such as being organized and managing time. Diet and exercise also play a big role with ADHD management. Everyone’s journey is different. Best of luck to you on yours.❤️

ActiveGirl profile image
ActiveGirl in reply to RCJH8610

Thanks so much, I'll keep an update about what I decide to do, I'm open to see what the psychiatrist will prescribe.

Clayfox profile image

Treatment steps:1. Learn all you can about ADHD. How to ADHD youtube channel is great. The emotional side of ADHD is a shocker for many.

2. Work to understand yourself through this new lens. Understanding and accepting yourself is necessary for the solutions you put in place to be effective.

3. Therapy, Coaching, and Medication are the common ongoing supports. Oh and accommodations in work, school, and relationships.

But know that you're at the beginning of a marathon, not a sprint. Hydrate, take breaks, there are a lot of steps to take, but now that you know what's going on, those steps will be in the right direction.

ActiveGirl profile image
ActiveGirl in reply to Clayfox

OMG, before getting my diagnosis I found How to ADHD, that is one of the reasons I decided to get my diagnosis, many of my emotions started to make sense.

Before getting the diagnosis I have been in therapy for a year and half talking a lot of my emotional troubles, and had work through some of them but my undiagnosed ADHD feels like what is actually behind some of the worst emotions I felt, before I didn't understand that my anger outburst could be related to ADHD.

Thank you for reminding me to slow down, that's something I struggle with a lot and I'll try to give an update :)

Gem1n1 profile image

Welcome to the tribe! I’m newly diagnosed as of almost 1 year ago at 33, and I can tell you that medication (stimulants) have been the most successful in helping my symptoms (struggles with executive function, relationships, communication, emotional regulation, etc). It has been a HUGE difference for me since day ONE of taking medication.

I am planning on getting an ADHD coach to help me get through the “finish line,” but I’ve made huge improvements already with medication, and I wouldn’t have been able to without it.

I’d definitely recommend medication first, to get better control of your “symptoms” and allow you to be successful with any further therapy or treatment.

ActiveGirl profile image
ActiveGirl in reply to Gem1n1

Thanks! I'll think about giving a try to medication, I'll do some research and visit the psychiatrist before getting to a conclusion, thanks so much for the support :)

Inarticulate profile image

Hi. I don’t have treatment as I was advised by the psych that anything they prescribed would impact on my other condition ASC. Consequently I take two supplements: Grapeseed Extract and L-Theanine and they generally help me keeps my sh!t together! X

ActiveGirl profile image

I'll check out about those supplements. There is a story with my family of medicine affecting them badly so that is why I'm so hesitant for medications and prefer to try something different before meds.

BlueDaydreamer profile image

ActiveGirl, Welcome! I was diagnosed sometime around 40, I think. I don't have a good sense of time, but I had an idea that I might have it back 25 years ago, when my oldest son was in kindergarten. A friend of mine had just had her son diagnosed with ADHD and told me about it and I said, I think my son has it. She replied, the more I get to know you, I think YOU might have it. Anyway, I would suggest the book Women with Attention Deficit Disorder because it will refer to a lot of things that are specific to women, as far as the messages we get growing up, and from teachers etc.... There are a lot of good books about ADHD. I would say continue in counseling, but possibly with someone who knows about ADD/ADHD (hopefully specializes in it). I think I would be worried, also about taking medications. One thing you could do is start with a low dosage? To keep from having a bad reaction? Plus, you could take after the other side of the family. If you decide you don't want to risk it, that is also understandable. I wish you well. Take care!

Clayfox profile image

My partner is the one with ADHD, and can't tolerate caffeine. But the stimulants are very different than caffeine, and she's tolerating them very well so far (but it's surprisingly variable).

Also, Women with ADHD was a great read because of how much it hammered home the internalized messages. Simply hearing those messages out loud makes it so much easier to recognize them internally. And the earlier you can recognize them happening, the easier it is to not get overwhelmed by them.

Jeb13 profile image

I take Azstarys. 30 percent immediate-release d-MPH and 70 percent extended-release novel SDX, a prodrug of d-MPH. so 30% schedule 2 and 70% schedule 4. I just started it so still evaluating. Im changing over from Adderall 30x3.. and so far I prefer it.

I’m 50 and was diagnosed a month ago (female). I just started a stimulant, primarily because at 50 I’m so exhausted from working extra hard (unknowingly) so long that I’m eager for any treatment that is low effort & high effectiveness. Not saying you have to choose that for you. I also have a 12 year old son who was a whole new kid on a stimulant. He still struggles (has autism) but methylphenidate has been a miracle for him for schoolwork, reducing impulsive behavior in early elementary school (he is academically very smart but we were getting called several times weekly about behavior). I figured we share so much DNA, I should try something. Ironically, my doctor put me on a different stimulant 😂😂😂.

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