So i think I have adhd in adulthood, it makes sense but I also have explosive anger when I am triggered by something that feels like an event that happened to me before such as my physically abusive ex husband , i now react like this with my new partner who is driving me crazy one minute but he is delightful the next.
I feel like my anger leads to lashing out too and all i want to do is stop it somehow, and dont know what to do.
I have 3 children and im fine with them but I can get snappy or have low patience for them.
I have endured a lot of trauma an just as life is getting better it seems as though I am sabotaging it all due to my fears and insecurities.
i feel my adhd partner CANNOt be sentitive enough for me about certain things, I was cheated on really badly by a mailgnant narcissist who i was with for 8 years and was only 19 years old.
I obviously now seem to have betrayal trauma and trust issues no matter how much im okay one day , another day I am having problems
is there anyone else suffering this? what method of therapy helped you ?
Ive tried RTT, EFT, Normal counselling, healing the inner child and trauma edmr one session ( not the eye thing just speaking to a trauma coach)
I am still having outbursts of anger and all I want is to stop it
anyone help me ?
of course I am also reaching out to God to help me too