Hi everyone,
Last week I had a complete meltdown right before a tattoo appointment and I broke down to my partner telling them that my doctor confirmed my ADHD and Autism but I’m waiting on assessment for the official piece of paper. I felt like such a weight had been lifted but every time I now say “well now you know this is down to being neurodivergent/adhd/autistic” the responses I’m getting is stuff like “do you have to mention this all the time” or “not everything is linked down to a doctor telling you that you’ve got something”
I’ve literally felt like screaming because for the last year or two I’ve been trying to pick up the courage to say to my GP, I have 4 brothers 1 has add and autism, one has adhd and the other is autistic. Because my parents only saw male symptoms I was overlooked, even now my mum tells me I’m not like my brothers and says I’m bipolar or something else. It’s so invalidating especially when your GP looks at everything and says yes I’ll refer you. After years of not getting the right help finally someone listens but the people closest to me I’ve felt so much worse talking about it to them. Now I just wait in anticipation for my formal assessment, it’s on my medical record yet until I get that piece of paper they won’t believe me.
Has anyone else had this? I feel so alone and I’m trying to celebrate the acknowledgment of neurodiverse traits/figuring out my own brain with next to no support. Literally the support I have is from places like here or friends I’ve made on social media groups.
Sorry it’s a bit long, hope you managed to read it all, thank you for reading!
Leenie x