Any Tips on Ways to Cope with Feeling... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Any Tips on Ways to Cope with Feeling this way?

LoveDogs71 profile image
17 Replies

I don't know if it's my medication, addarrel that is making me feel this way or what. I have been on the medication for a week so far of 20 mg. 10 mg. in the am. and 10 mg. later in the day. Now, i notice that I'm fidgeting this afternoon and arguing non stop with my long term partner about money. No patience at all and can't seem to refocus and get back to work. Not only that but I'm obsessing over the problem. I did write down the problem and come up with a solution and usually that calms me down but so far no. I even lost my appetite to eat and decided to just drink one of those nutritional shakes instead that has protein in it. Maybe I'm still agitated because my partner had to leave for work and we didn't sit down and talk about it? I did have a chance to talk with him briefly and was it because he didn't really validate my feelings and that's why I still feel agitated and pretty upset ?

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LoveDogs71 profile image
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17 Replies
B19B profile image

I think it's a mixture of triggers that are upsetting you. Adderall poops out on me after 4 hours, and when it starts to wears off, yes it can definitely make you feel anxious and irritable...

Mydayis is extremely similar to Adderall, except it lasts a bit longer, and it wears off more gradually...definitely look into that!!! I have been taking stimulants since elementary school, so I take Mydayis 50mg in the morning, and Adderall 30mg in the afternoon for a boost, bc even Mydayis wears off before it claims. Each person is different, what works for one, might not work for the next. I understand how frustrating it can be, to find the right medication, dose, and frequency. Hang in there...don't give up!!!

Lovinit profile image

It sounded like from your message the frustration about money with your partner isn’t new. Medication usually takes a couple weeks for your body to get used to it. After I gave my medication 2 weeks my side effects went away and it didn’t feel like I was on

Anything at all. Also, my biggest regret was not seeing a therapist after starting medication one who understands adhd. She or he can be a real help in improving your life. For me pills didn’t solve all my problems

LoveDogs71 profile image
LoveDogs71 in reply to Lovinit

I'm still looking for a therapist who understands ADHD and one my insurance could cover. I have had a therapist in the beginning of the year and she understood about my ADHD. My insurance was only able to cover 3 sessions. I can't afford it. I do go to the CHADD meeting one time a month. Unfortunately I got sick with a terrible cold and missed it. The last time I went was really helpful.

Lovinit profile image

I was at the last chadd meeting and hope to make it at the next one. It’s going to be at a new location

LoveDogs71 profile image
LoveDogs71 in reply to Lovinit

Where is the new location going to be now? Do you know when the next one will be in Tucson please?

I looked up on the web site a few days ago and there was no Oct. information for the next CHADD meeting.

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to LoveDogs71

It’s the 2nd Wednesday of every month and I’ll get back to you with the location

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to LoveDogs71

This is where will meet for adult adhd 2nd Wednesday every month at 7pm

St. Cyril's Parish, 4725 E. Pima St. (Pima and Swan) Dougherty Hall Choir Room

LoveDogs71 profile image
LoveDogs71 in reply to Lovinit

Thank you.

LoveDogs71 profile image

It's 20 mg. not 40 mg. It does calm me down . I had a bad day that's all.

adhd_positive profile image

Hi LoveDogs71,

I’ve been struggling for ADHD for a while now, and started on Aderall and it has helped tremendously... now that I recall, it did take a while before I really noticed it was working... at least weeks, for me, it seems like it took longer. So luckily I do have a therapist that understands this messed up disorder!! The best line from him about this is: “You’re essentially taking ‘speed’. It speeds you up, in order to slow you down!” Basically, as I understand it, we get distracted because neurons in our brain aren’t firing fast enough, therefore the messages get intercepted by emotions, etc before they reach their proper destination... thus the amphetimines speed up those neuron transmissions and keep us more “regulated,” or normally operating. But in the mean time, it does have an affect on my physical body... it makes me more jittery and a little more on edge. But my mind and emotions seem to be much much more steady...

adhd_positive profile image
adhd_positive in reply to adhd_positive

[continuing...] it took me months and months until I got it right. I had to keep raising and lowering the Aderall dosage until I got it (the most right it was gonna get).

QuirkyCookie profile image

Hi LoveDogs:) I've been on Adderall for about 7 weeks. My doctor started me low at one dose of 10mg mid-morning. One day, I had a lot going on and decided to take an early morning dose and add an afternoon dose. Bad idea. I basically felt the way you described. Everyone reacts differently, but maybe you could try scaling back to see what happens. I also don't take it on days that I know I may not need it...lazy weekends or days that I know I'll be doing something I'm naturally motivated to do. I'm no doctor, but the symptoms you describe suggest you're taking too much for your body. Maybe leaving a message with the doctor's nurse would be helpful if you're follow-up appointment is a ways off.

KarenADHDWeekly profile image

Hello PCJ240Ross,

Unfortunately, some people do abuse the medications, or they will take medications that were not prescribed to them. I wonder if that is what you observed. If so, I hope your friends were able to get the help they needed. We know some of our service members are under such great stresses that they will look for substances that they think will help them in that moment, even though the substance or the misuse of a prescription medication creates greater problems for them.

Stimulant medications, though, are not comparable to cocaine or meth. They are different on a chemical level and they behave differently in the body, even though both--like caffeine in coffee--are in the stimulant class. I encourage you, and anyone else who is interested, to learn more at .

LoveDogs71 has said she was having a bad day and that may have been a big part of it. If she continues to feel there is something off about her prescription dose, the best things is for her to talk with her doctor.



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Lovinit profile image

My psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD said someone can take up to 60mg of adderall at a time.

applejack123 profile image

Anecdotal but I too had irritability and bursts of anger when I first started adderall...lasted for about a month.

StoneJeweler profile image

Adderal does have side effects, maybe he put you on too high a dose to start. Do you take it with food? that slows the uptake a little and may help those side effects. Only 2 out of the 7 types of ADHD will improve with stimulants per DrAmen, and he is an expert on the subject. Look him up on line. Learn about ADD, thru books, lectures, online and other people who have it that are informed. Being informed about ADD will steer you in the right direction. Ask experts. Remember most docs are really not informed about ADD, they may read a blurb that XX is what you give. Next week it may be something else he heard about.

Food has a great deal to do with how you live. Starches, sweets, breads, GMO's, food dyes, msg etc all make your brain worse. GMO's are in almost everything we eat these days, eating organic is the best--too expensive? Stop eating all the crap we humans eat these days and you will feel better. Isn't your body worth it? Gluten is also causing havoc with most people to day. Read up on it .Get informed. Learning about good, nutrition especially now that research has changed what we know about our bodies. Learn about your brain, what it needs to function properly, there are some good supplements that can make your Bain better. There is so much to learn, don't let the doctors practice on you unless they are truly informed about ADD or anything for that matter. There is way to much information about everything, and that information is changing fast these days. That is why it up to you to stay informed about your health challenges, no one else will.

LoveDogs71 profile image

I stay away from fast food and cut back on sugar and GMO and all the other crap that is out there. It's hard cutting back on sugar especially during PMS. I sure watch a lot of videos on ADHD .

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