I live in Maryland, and being outside has always made me feel better than being in the house.
Did you know how much of a positive impact the sun has on us? Ya know, with all of its vitamin D n such.
And it's obvious that water and sunlight are extremely vital for life on earth, so why does that seem to have become so underrated? Plants need water, nutrition, and lots of sunlight to grow...sooo doesn't it makes sense for humans to get plenty of that stuff too?
You might think I'm comparing apples and oranges here, but aren't we very similar to plants? - and no, I'm not high-
It just makes things so much clearer to understand, and it makes the challenge of living healthier easier than ever before!
I now make it a point to not just drink water when I'm thirsty, but to stay hydrated. I try to drink at least 8oz of water, in 1-2 hour intervals.
Just by keeping my body hydrated, and spending more time in the sun, I've managed to feel better and look at life differently.
Thanks for reading. I hope all of this makes sense, and I pray that my 2 cents can at least help ONE person benefit from reading any of my tips of being a happier you. Cheers! 🤗