55 year old woman, newly diagnosed - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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55 year old woman, newly diagnosed

JLJLMT profile image
25 Replies

My flightiness explained! Menopause really exacerbated my symptoms, even though I've gotten my hormone levels balanced. I’m just starting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and have an appointment with a psychiatrist In March. I also have battled migraines for 10+ years, and am hopeful treatment for that can help break the cycle of migraine pain. I am apprehensive to take medicine, as I am sober 27 years. However, I’m more apprehensive to continue my life as a scatterbrain. It’s also very enlightening to realize how many people in my life that also have ADHD and are medicated. I’m grateful for this forum to have contact with others further along the path.

Are there other later in life women who’ve found that menopause aggravated symptoms? What has helped you with symptoms outside of ADHD medications and hormone supplementation.


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JLJLMT profile image
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25 Replies

Hi JLJLMT, I'm on the north side of 30s and was just diagnosed last week. I hear you about medication; I grew up in a family with substance abuse and the prospect of it scares me, but, like you, I'm more scared of not getting my crap together enough to do good things in this world! If meds are what it takes, then I guess so be it; I don't when or if I'm going to put on meds yet. It's so good to have a place like this to compare notes and also that nowadays there are many resources related to recognizing potential substance abuse. CBT seems really helpful, from what I've read. I've been trying out the EFT tapping thing that I saw on YouTube... it looks hilarious so definitely don't watch yourself in a mirror while doing it if you try that lol. I sort of worked for me last night in calming me down before a college test. I didn't bomb it but I didn't do as well as I'd wanted. I will say, though, that exercise has a tremendous when I regularly do it. Dr. Medina's "Brain Rules" books explain that better than I could. He's a genius!

All the best!

JLJLMT profile image
JLJLMT in reply to

Thanks for reaching out.

I have done tapping when I was seeing a therapist in the past and it is helpful. I will look into Dr. Madina's Book

Good luck with your education. That’s fabulous! Having deadlines in college was really, really helpful in my earlier years (even though I didn’t know I had a problem). I would lock myself away all day in a study room at the local library because there were no distractions. The subject matter lent its self to studying with flash cards, so I would go over and over the material, discarding the cards I "got", repeating the ones I didn’t "get". Invariably, on the morning of exams I’d have a few cards left to really imprint on my mind before the test and I always had at least one essay question that was on those last few flash cards. I got straight A's for several semesters. I remember my boyfriend at the time (who aced calculus without even going to class) mocked my study habits because I had to work so hard. That was tough...to be getting great results and made fun of because of the effort it took...ouch!

And exercise certainly does help...I’m preparing for my walk now.

All the best to you on your journey!

in reply toJLJLMT

Thank you!! It feels simultaneously wonderful and daunting going back to college twenty years later! I miss those straight A-s days :( these days, everything is more challenging, but my timing is off, too. Things ARE easier to learn at different ages. Formative years go without saying, and then 11 or so, then 18/19 (college age), then mid-40s (should've waited to return lol), then the last surge in learning happens in your early 80s in one particular discipline... ARITHMETIC. Yeah, imagine being 83 and blowing the doors off anyone at math. Humans are weird.

Coach4ADD profile image

Hi J, I was diagnosed at 62 😳 after I retired. Without the structure a full time job provides—-I was a hot mess trying to create my own routines and structure. That’s when I spoke with my doctor. She referred me for an evaluation and I scored very high for inattentive type ADD. I’ve helped others deal with attention issues my whole life but needed help myself. I’m coaching others and myself to learn strategies to manage my symptoms. I tried several meds and found Concerta to be the best for me. Check out online resources and support groups. Understanding the adhd brain and discovering your strengths can help you manage symptoms.

Best wishes!

JLJLMT profile image
JLJLMT in reply toCoach4ADD

Thank you for your reply....through a series of life events I semi-retired 8 years ago. I can certainly identify with your experience! I try to get my loose ends together, but I can’t find them, and when I do find one, I can’t find the one that matches it and around and around and around I go.

At this point I have mainly evaluated and diagnosed myself. I have 12/14 symptoms according to some online resources. I see the psychiatrist in mid-March. My counselor says I have many of the qualities of ADD/ADHD, but I believe it’s outside her scope of practice to diagnose me. I’m interested in the testing you’ve gone through. Can you tell me more about that, please?

It is comforting to identify so strongly with others who have this condition. Dementia runs in my family, so I have thought for years that was my issue. I have been tested six ways from Sunday and they keep saying I don’t have it. Which, trust me, I’m so grateful for, but SOMETHING is profoundly wrong. I could just cry to know I’m not alone.

Thank you again for reaching out.

Orangina234 profile image
Orangina234 in reply toJLJLMT

I relate soooooo much

Orangina234 profile image
Orangina234 in reply toCoach4ADD

Hi, I’m interested in hearing about the testing, too! Thank you

JLJLMT profile image
JLJLMT in reply toOrangina234

The test I took is called the quotient test. I think it’s best to go into it without having it explained to you beforehand. But, it was pretty easy and made very clear to me that I have ADD, primarily impulsive, inattentive. Good luck!

I am 55 too at least there seem to be something going within your life and your condition, for me not much is happening right now. Sorry but the only thing I can tell you is that I’m really down in the dumps

JLJLMT profile image
JLJLMT in reply to

I hate to hear it. I hope you can find the help you need.

Lindavee88 profile image

Hi! I was diagnosed with ADHD about ten years ago. I am now 62. (!) Part of the reason the diagnosis was so apparent was that I was going through menopause. Yes, my ADHD symptoms flourished with all the hormonal vacillations. Forgetfulness, disorganization, short term memory problems...all intensified. Earlier in life my symptoms just passed for absent-mindedness. But I now know that ADHD has always been there. I was lucky to squeak by because I did well academically. Weak social skills. Lifelong generalized anxiety, social anxiety. Difficulty getting and keeping a job.

But now I am more satisfied with life than ever. I have come to accept myself with all my glitches. A big part of this is owed to my finding great support groups. I connected with the local CHADD affiliate and became close friends with the wonderful coordinator. She asked me to coordinate the Adults program. So I established a monthly support group meeting at a local diner. Being with those terrific, sensitive, insightful people is my monthly boost! We talk, share, problem-solve, support each other unconditionally, and we laugh! I would say a reliable support system is KEY!

JLJLMT profile image
JLJLMT in reply toLindavee88

Thanks for sharing your experience. I am making progress now and working with a counselor. She’s been very helpful. I just took a quotient test on Friday and get the results next week. I’m anxious to start the medication. At first I didn’t want to take anything, but I’ve changed my mind. I know so many people who are on ADHD medication! That has really surprised me. I am interested in a support group. I started looking into it, but got distracted. There’s so much to do!

Hi JLJLMT, I’m 55 and was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I’m going for the medication, period. I don’t know what you’ve been sober from for 27 years, but if it’s alcohol, I would think that ADHD medication does not have much to do with that. I drank a bit in my 30’s and I don’t buy that if you ever drink again that you have fallen off the wagon and are in dire straits. I’m not by any means encouraging you to start drinking. I just kinda stopped drinking on my own mostly because I don’t like being around drunk people, drunk or sober. I think it’s fine for you to get on stimulants and you may probably feel better and the last thing on your mind may be alcohol. You should give yourself a chance.

JLJLMT profile image
JLJLMT in reply to

I’m glad you’re comfortable with your course of action!

Cmiceli profile image

I’m a little younger than you, J, but I was only diagnosed a couple years ago. I’m 48. I don’t take medication at this time because I find it makes my anxiety a little worse and the medication I’ve been on doesn’t really make me feel any different. So I’ve been relying mostly on CBT and it works quite well for me. I already had developed quite a few coping skills and good practices before I ever diagnosed. My boyfriend also has ADHD, much worse than mine. He and I began couples therapy as well as him bing in individual therapy. We addressed both our relationship issues as well as the ADHD (it was while we were in therapy together I learned I had it too) and I was looking forward to having our therapist teach us new coping skills. The joke was on me because the things he recommended (timers, alarms, calendaring, journaling, mindfulness) I was already doing! Lol. I guess all that “be more organized” research I did before my diagnosis really did pay off! :)

I think one of my favorite CBT things I learned was to break things down into small tasks. I now see why I didn’t do well when my mom would tell me “clean your room”. I really need something more like “make the bed, put all your clothes in the hamper, shoes in the rack, books on the shelves, empty your garbage then come back and I’ll tell you five more things.” Now at work - and sometimes at home - when I begin to get that lost feeling, I stop and begin making my list, five things at a time. I set a lot of timers and reminders so I don’t forget things like clothes in the laundry and watering plants. I know I am “outta sight, outta mind” so my mirror usually has a few post its on it to remind me of things (“Put the library returns in the car” and “make a vet appt”, stuff like that) and I am a big fan of the “Do It Now” principal, knowing if I just do it instead of trying to remember it, I’ll be much more successful.

Just remember that you were a successful person before you got this diagnosis and that didn’t change. Now you just have a vocabulary to address the feelings and issues. CBT helps A LOT and personally I feel it is even more important than meds. Meds will help turn down the volume in ADHD but if you don’t have a good set of coping skills and habits to implement, you’ll still be at ground zero.

Good luck!!

JLJLMT profile image

Thanks for the positive feedback! Yes, CBT has been wonderful. I’m making progress and the panic I was feeling has diminished significantly. I really appreciate the lists...although I still have a hard time just masking one list and/or remembering where I left the lists! But, progress not perfection is my motto.

TinaJuanita profile image

I was diagnosed at age 51. Hormone therapy worked wonders for me. I needed about double the dose of the average woman, even though my estrogen levels looked fine when tested. Finding the right medication was huge. It took seven different tries, until I found Concerta worked best. If you don’t feel better from the medication, you’re not on the right one. When you find the right one, you’ll now. CBT is also helpful at rebuilding my life in a new way. I’ve found that educating myself has given me immense understanding. I have been reading books given to me by my doctors, not reading info on the Internet. There are too many people with opinions, instead of facts, online. Check out the Facebook page ADDiva for more women over 40 with ADD. Here are the books:

Understanding women with ADHD -by Kathleen Nadeau

You mean I’m not lazy, stupid or crazy?! -by Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo

Let’s fix it! -by Linda Roggli

The best is yet to come!!

Codybrownwise profile image

Diagnosed at 68. I do want a second opinion because the actual testing was questionable. How were you tested? I was concerned about meds as I am also in long term recovery. Plus, if I wasn't working from home, I would have said, "Why bother at this point in time?" After researching, I realized it's been an issue all my life. When you started looking back over your life, did you ask yourself, "How could I have not seen all these major issues?" Have been on Adderall which has helped some, at least gives me the energy to keep working. I was successful in my work career, but now realize if I had been treated I might have worked more efficiently, not procrastinated over details and, probably, worked less hours. Oh well, it takes what it takes.

JLJLMT profile image
JLJLMT in reply toCodybrownwise

I’m so sorry I missed your comment last year. Thank you for your feedback.

useitloseit profile image

If you have adhd meds should not affect you adversely

It's not really possible to abuse meds for adhd if you have it, and you just won't

It is tricky figuring out your right dose and it takes time

Stay healthy


Eat well

Drink your water and you have to get your sleep

Doballe profile image

I was diagnosed around age 52. I find that more than anything else including the use of ADHD medication; ADHD diet and vitamins do more to help my ADHD. If you feel that your sobriety might be compromised by the use of a RX ADHD stimulate medication; IMO; I’d try diet and vitamins first. Your doctor should do a full hormone and vitamin blood panel to determine what’s missing. I was really surprised at my results. I also like Sam-E for mood support and Focus Factor for concentration and focus.

As I said this is what has worked for me; everyone is different.

I understand how frustrating it is and I hope you find some good things that help you!

cfclaire51 profile image
cfclaire51 in reply toDoballe

Hi Doballe, what is the ADHD diet?

LZOTD profile image

I was recently diagnosed at 47 though I have suspected this for several years. It seems like changes in hormones during peri-menaupose and menaupose creates a huge difference for women with ADHD. EStrogen influences dopamine, serotonine levels (they drop when it drops!!!) and perhaps norepinephrine too and it was clear that it probably was the case for my mom. hormone therapy helped a lot (she doesn't know or think she has or may have ADHD but it's so classic, my eldest sister too.) IT seems like hormone therapy (and or natural approaches) and combination with medication seem to help a lot. CBT and natural strategies too, but not sufficient for me, especially with a spouse kind of in denial of his ADHD and a teenager with ADHD.

jeanette-bkworms profile image

Hi, I'm new too. This is my first post. I am 63 and newly diagnosed with ADHD. The coping mechanism I developed long before I was diagnosed is making lists. It helps me stay on task and it lets me know how much I have accomplished each day, otherwise I lose track of what I have done and end up feeling like I have wasted my whole day. I hope this is helpful, I know we are all different. As for menopause, I have no idea if it had any effect on my ADHD. I am also diagnosed with Bipolar ll and I was dealing with that kicking up at the time. Your doing the right thing reaching out for suggestions, that's why I'm here too. Good luck.

Loutysonsmith profile image


I'm a 56 year old woman who was diagnosed ADHD aged 52 after a lifetime of difficulties. I also had a surgical menopause 9 years ago which sent me straight into ADHD symptoms that became 10 times worse than ever.

I've done a lot of research into the connection between hormones - especially estrogen - and the lifetime of a female including starting periods, periods, perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause.

Surprise surprise it's a new area of medical knowledge! Of course it is! Which means for a variety of reasons there's not as much information or help as we'd like.

I can confirm from my own experience and the experiences of friends and acquaintances that our experience is typical of women diagnosed ADHD.

If you'd like, I can post some links here for you?


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