My son is 11, and newly in middle school. He has ADHD, ODD, and is mildly dyslexic. He’s on Qelbree and clonidine. He sees a psychiatrist and a just started with a new child psychologist.
The first month of school was ok, then something changed and he did not want to go to school. Said everyone is mean to him. He stopped doing his work, and got failing grades in 2 classes. I’ve been in contact with his school this whole time trying to work with them. My son has an IEP.
His father and I are not together.
When my son is with me, he refuses to go to school. He just refuses for hours, then will sometimes break down about the kids bullying him. He will get physically aggressive with me, break things, say mean things, it’s exhausting.
When he is with his father, he goes. His father’s parenting style is the coercive “do as I say”, aggressive type. So my son has been at his dad’s more then usual bc he gets him to school.
His father and I have been doing parent training weekly with a therapist, and I just read The Explosive Child, and it opened my eyes. So I’ve been working on finding the underlying issues to his behaviors.
His father blames me and my parenting for my son refusing to go to school, and says stuff about me in front of our son constantly to belittle me. His father is a bully, and I see that in my son too. I feel like a lot of the aggression towards me is my son taking out his frustrations he has with his father on me. I try to have as little contact with his father as possible, especially around my son.
There’s also an issue with Fortnite. His dad got him a PlayStation, and it’s been an issue coming back and forth between the houses. I hate it, my son is a different kid when he plays, he’s hyper fixated. So we’ve tried removing the PlayStation, limiting it, rewarding him with the play time, etc. Nothing seems to work. When he’s at my house with it, more often then not I cannot get him to stop. Sometimes he’s fine, and will stop, other times he’s in this frenzied state and cannot stop. At his father’s, it’s still an issue, but he overpowers him, so he gets him off.
My son has few friends in school, and really enjoys the social interaction he has with friends on Fortnite, so I’d hate to take that social interaction away completely.
I’m just at a loss, I feel like I have little support. Not only am I exhausted from my son, I’m exhausted dealing with his father. He will never just co-parent with me, support me, be on the same page- he’s just against me, and blames me for it all.
Any advice?