Are there any other parents with a child that has ADHD feeling like you are in an EMOTIONALLY abusive relationship? I’ve been struggling a lot the last couple weeks trying to deal with my son in the morning and his huge episodes and huge energy he wakes up with almost the superhero strength and wants to scream at the top of his lungs at me or whoever is around squeeze the dogs and lay on top of them and just do anything intentional that he can think of to be mean to me I have been trying to keep the role of patient loving mom and it just feels like I am in emotionally abusive relationship even when he gets hurt or falls down or anything that another type of child would need consoling I try to console he turns screams yells and gets upset at me like I’m the one that did it I feel like I’m losing it he will tell me I’m stupid ect., I think I need to turn to counseling for myself I can’t take the abuse any longer. I don’t feel like ther is even a bond with us, his personality seems cold. I have been working so hard to be patient to a learn and educate myself on everything ADHD and I feel like I’m the best mom he could have right now but Between that and my husbands severe anxiety and adhd I feel like I live in the twilight zone just trying to stay sane. During dinner the few times I can even get my son to sit at the table like lastnight he got frustrated and tells me to stop talking , on top of that my husband and I can’t ever have a conversation without our son overtalking or interrupting or having a episode this is a crazy life to live being a parent and a spouse of a person with ADHD. He’s on medication that seems to help somewhat but we don’t give him that until he eats at least half of his breakfast because it has loss of appetite side effects for him he tried guanfacine at bedtime but it made it worse in the morning his mood just seems terrible most days some days I feel like this is too much and not that I ever would because I know he needs me too much but I just feel like leaving . Sorry for ramble I just needed to vent this morning to hopefully some others that could understand. The struggle is REAL
ADHD CHILD & emotional abuse? - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
ADHD CHILD & emotional abuse?

Yes! this is very similar to life with us. My husband also struggles with ADHD and anxiety and I spend a lot of energy keeping him calm while also trying to help my son. We have been pretty strict with disrespect and unacceptable language. I know we have to pick our battles but I won't allow him to speak like that to us. He's 5 still so we do a timeout chair and it has helped. I would encourage you to talk to a therapist and incorporate some self care. I struggle with this myself, but when I can take a walk or go for a drive and get a little break to refresh it's better for everyone.
You don't mention how old your son is or what medication he's on, but if this abusive behavior isn't typical for him I would definitely talk to his doctor about it. The 2 stimulant meds we tried with my son first made him more aggressive and combative and he had a brutal rebound in the evenings on one of them. We stopped them and moved to clonidine to address his anxiety and trauma behaviors first and it's been much, much better. Definitely talk to his doctor about it.
And hang in there!! It is definitely not an easy life, and most will not understand the day to day struggle, but you are not alone and you are his mom for a good reason. We all are doing our best to help our children and even though they don't communicate that most of the time, they love and appreciate all the hard work you put into his life.
Thank you so much for reading and your reply, it’s a struggle it made me feel better to put that down and to read your message as well. Our son is 6 1/2 and in first grade he’s on Metadate 20 slow realease and 10 in afternoon. We have an appt Friday with his dr. to talk again about medications and possibly switching it, I’m going to mention the medication you said. I hope we can get something that can help him be the true him. It sucks because a lot of the other meds takes a while to get in him system to see if it works. What I like about the Metadate is that it’s one of those medication‘s you can stop and not needing to be weaned off it does help the hyperactivity and the focus but there’s so many dang sides To ADHD It seems impossible to help with them all. I can deal with they hyper and energy but then you get the impulsive and can’t focus or listen ect it’s exhausting, he’s been in behavior therapy on and off for a couple years and we have as well it seems to up and down and It’s so hard to always see your child seem so angry and irritated. Thanks for your reply!!!
I so appreciate your post. I definitely felt this way almost 100% of the time pre-medication with my6 year old, and still often do post-medication. The negative energy that fills the house at times when my son is home can really affect my well-being and trigger my own depression and anxiety. I know my son loves me but sometimes he sure has trouble showing it; never in my life have I ever been treated so rudely before. I have successfully eradicated the word "stupid" from his vocabulary, but can't wipe away the rude faces and the gibberish said in a nasty tone that has replaced it. I've definitely had days in the past where I've just had to go hide in a corner and cry because of being surrounded by so much negativity and hostility, and no, nobody understands--other parents just wonder what is wrong with ME to be raising such an angry, violent child. We had a babysitter/mother's helper quit last fall because she couldn't take the abuse. And it's so hard to keep my cool when being repeatedly attacked, both physically and verbally; I fail more often than not, and theni feel like a failure on top of the emotional abuse.
We started him on guanfacine over the summer and I do think he is generally happier on it, though definitely not all the time. One thing you don't mention trying is changing the time he takes his medication--we were giving it to my son at bedtime at first, but it was making it hard for him to fall asleep and thus he'd be really tired all the time. His psychiatrist said it can take 6-8 hours to make someone sleepy, so now we give it to him after school, which means we often have bedtime meltdowns but then he falls right asleep. I'm still trying to find just the right window for administration. Nonetheless, I do feel a lot safer around him physically these days, though the verbal abuse has perhaps ramped up to take its place.
Hang in there. We are the only ones who can see the real them that is locked away inside. We just have to figure out how to calm their nerves enough to uncover it. Shower him with as much positive energy as you can muster; co-regulate with him with as much calm energy as you can muster, and find as much time as you can for self-care.
thank you so much for your reply I definitely see the similarities in your post and others that have replied and it’s nice to talk to someone that gets it, I know the feeling of feeling like people are looking at you and thinking how dare you let your child get away with that behavior and then of course older family members that just don’t really understand ADHD at all that joke and say wow you’re really crabby buddy and that just makes it worse I experienced that the other weekend and that’s just even more depressing … one thing about his medication I guess is that it metabolize as fast the meds he take doesn’t stay in his system on going I guess if that makes sense but I cannot wait to talk to his doctor tomorrow I’ve gotten some good information just from this post a couple different medication clonidine I’ve never heard of before so I’m definitely going to look into that, I think I may also talk to him about getting the DNA test for medicines I heard about that a while back and haven’t done it it’s supposed to be able to help your determine what medication might work best for their metabolism? I guess anything is worth a shot thank you for your kind words🙂
my son is 8 and i have no connection with him anymore. He swears at me, tells me he hates me and breaks anything that I like. My marriage has fallen apart because he wants his dads attention at all times (i have a lot of health issues so i can't physically play much on the floor or run around with him long).. I gave up my career to have him and be a SAHM and i regret it every day. I can't divorce my husband because i have no money or family/friends because everything goes towards our son and helping him. My son runs the house. Im not allowed to say anything about his disrespectful behaviors because he will scream at me and then if i try to take stuff away as a time out, my husband goes over my head and lets him have it back. Ive separated myself from being around them (they fight and yell at each other often too, but i don't step in to say anything or else my son will go berzerk on me).. so now i do everything alone and am just a maid cleaning up after them. Damned if i do damned if i don't at this point. I am absolutely miserable trying to deal with everything. (Please, no negative responses. This is what has become of my family because my 8yo neuro-divergent kiddo has a hard time with everything. Hes on 3 meds. In 2 different therapies. Has care at school. Has tools to help him. Our house is organized and set up in a way that is easiest for him and his needs. Its just like nothing is working to help the verbal abuse that he dishes out every waking second of his life)
hi there thank you for your response and reading it I can totally relate and it sounds like a very similar situation, I totally understand what you mean about being miserable and I sure hope nobody from this forum would say anything negative to you about that comment I feel like most of us feel that way even if we don’t say it so you hang in there, you mentioned being a stay at home mom and it reminds me of when my son was born I took a very long maternity leave over a year and even as a baby it was so weird It seems like he was never happy not colicky but he was almost a very anxious baby to begin with had a hard time putting him to sleep because he did not ever want to be laid down, he was never cuddly and it breaks my heart to say I just never felt that cuddly bond with him that I did with my older daughter through his toddler years naps were a lot of work also my husband and I have a very strained marriage I feel like he’s not doing enough to help his own ADHD much less help enough with being consistent with our son and then of course that leaves me unsupported and feeling alone in an empty dark hole, in fact him and I just got into it again this morning and of course even disagreeing in a normal tone voice as talking our son is in the background screaming at the top of his lungs so we cannot even have a conversation or disagreement that needs to be said without our son screaming staying calm is key but how does that happen where is the support for us adults dealing with it you know? I feel your pain as well and I really do appreciate you taking the time to post this sometimes just reading other peoples posts that are not related to mine can make me feel like I’m part of some thing when at home sometimes I feel like I’m part of nothing if that makes sense. I wonder if our situation is with our kiddos medication maybe similar I have been reading that some medication‘s can even cause irritability which unfortunately is the last thing a child with ADHD needs! Hang in there and thanks for sharing your story as well
You’re not alone. I feel like ever since my son turned 10 things have gotten worse. The anger outbursts, swearing, yelling, breaking things. It’s exhausting!!! I walk on egg shells every single day
The struggle is REAL. My kids are non-aggressive and I am grateful... my husband while supportive, I believe is still in part denial and so there are screaming battles which is the opposite of what the books and therapists say. So, there's a strain on that too... Yes, sometimes, I want to leave too. I won't because I know this will pass and my kids still connect with me. It is just, sometimes, it is too much, and you can't help looking back at that time, before all of this.. when the house seemed brighter... I rambled too. Hang in there and go outside and breathe whenever you have moments to yourself. Big hug.
yeah I love all the therapists and books I’ll say to stay calm we are all human and that’s next to impossible to do lol. You are absolutely right and the fact of just needing to step away but then I have that mom guilt or should I say parent guilt that some of us have I walk away and then feel like oh crap he needs me too it’s a constant inner battle but you are right just getting away does make a difference big hugs to yourself and thank you so much for reading and replying and sharing your story
Yes, we are dealing with something similar. Ritalin has helped my son (11y o)a ton but we still deal with occasional outbursts. We were recetly at the Psychiatrists and I was asking him about him still having outbursts. He said that it's work to find the right medication and the right dosage so that he doesn't have those big emotions but also not to numb him from normal emotions. We are still trying to get his medication just right. Sounds like you may need to explore different medications for your son. My son is also on anxiety meds and had taken mood stabilizers in the past. I would encourage you to make sure you and you husband go to counseling. And encourage you husband to get on meds also! I'm so sorry you have to feel like this. Please keep hope that once you find the right medication it does get better. Also, try to find an Adhd patenting group for guidance, CHADD has links. I have learned a lot from other parents.
thank you for your reply and reading my message hopefully our appointment tomorrow will come up with him good answers on medication one of the things that stays on my mind is that one of the therapist also says that ADHD can kind of ebb and flow considering what is going on in their life School new environment etc. it’s all just a struggle and a juggling act I hate the feeling of feeling helpless even with the OT and behavioral and the marriage counseling still feel like life is out of control I wish for my son sake that he didn’t have to deal with this I hate how I feel sometimes when reacting to his situation breaks my heart. Yeah my husband, medication‘s? He’s been through a few and has had some side effects that he didn’t enjoy so at this point he’s hesitant and I almost feel like he’s giving up which is frustrating as hell which causes another argument between us it’s just a lot I appreciate you reading and replying 🙂
it has been incredibly difficult for me with my daughter. Our medicine is finally dialed in pretty well I think that’s helping. She takes dextramphetamine in the day and Clonidal at night. (pretty sure I spelled both of those wrong!) her behaviors tend to escalate when she is back from visiting her dad, or when she gets really overwhelmed by some thing, or when she doesn’t get her way frankly. I have been doing PCIT therapy with her, parent child interaction therapy, and it’s helping me with tools to help her. I’m not sure what the formula is going to be with your son, but I hope that you really dive in to all the possible support systems you have. For learning and RESPITE. ❤️🙏
thanks for sharing and reading I do appreciate you taking the time. The medication you mentioned with the C I am definitely going to ask his Doctor about that one tomorrow a couple other people mentioned that one and just in a quick look online with Dr Google it appears you may be able to take that along with the medication that he’s already on, it’s a struggle and I’m glad I found the site to be able to talk to you and others like us in the similar situation
I feel emotionally abused a lot. It’s so tiring. I can’t believe I let someone speak to me the way my son does. He’s 13, nothing really works. He blames me when I give him a consequence saying I’m just making him more mad. I can never do anything right. I also have a five year old with outbursts but hasn’t been diagnosed with anything yet.
The only thing I have learned that works is keeping my cool. It’s soooooo hard because you want to respond to them and let them know that they are being horrible that it just escalates because getting into a battle of words with them is just about the worst thing to do. The only thing that saves me in an argument is to stop talking and walk away even if I haven’t gotten what I wanted to say in. But they aren’t listening when they’re mad anyway so it doesn’t matter if you try to explain your side of things .
I guess that’s my only advice, we have to try to stay calm ourselves. I empathize with you, I think we all know what you are going through and it is so hard. Not the life you imagined as a parent but hopefully one day they will be grateful for what we did.
The first three sentences of your post sums it all up for me I never would have thought in 1 million years I would have a child talking to me like that and for the most part having to let it go because he can’t help it which then puts 100% responsibility on us parents trying to find the right form of therapy and medication because in his brain we know that he really can’t help it that’s pretty much what I have to do is just walk away and it’s so frustrating it’s so hard to do and every day it feels like I am deflated defeated and treated like a rug. It sucks so bad because I’m sure as you can relate with we want to do the best for our children and I guess when the moment happens we want to try to help them which seems to be the last thing they want it’s tough I am really hoping and praying that tomorrow’s doctor visit will give us at least a different medication to try and hopefully he will not have crazy side effects from it fingers crossed thank you so much for your reply and sharing it really means a lot to have the support of other people on this site just reading someone else’s story or how they can relate brings a little comfort🙂
I absolutely love that we have this HealthUnlocked support group! My son was diagnosed at 7 1/2 years old with ADHD/ ODD/Mild OCD, my husband left several months later (that's a whole other support group) and moved in with his new family (a woman he had been seeing from work)who had a son about one year older than ours and it devastated me and my son with ADHD. He started showing anger, anxiety and abnormal behaviors from the minute he was born. He cried constantly and didn't sleep often (he did have collick) but he just would never sleep unless you walked him, rocked him, bounced him, he'd even crawl on my shoulders while I sat on couch and lay across the back of them and play with my hair and fall asleep that way and if I dare moved he would wake up. (shoot I'd just fall asleep too), he hated car rides and would scream and cry all the way to where we would go. He would throw fits in a restaurant, grocery storey, wherever. We knew he was going to be strong when he was lifting his head up off our shoulders the first time we held him. In the first 2-3 months of birth he was able to hold himself up on his elbows and hold his head up long enough to get pictures. In his 1's & 2's he'd beat his head on the floor when he was frustrated. All of that to say, he is now 11, he takes Vyvanse only, and sometimes he needs 10 mg Melatonin, but not every night like he once did, but he is still very verbally abusive, disrespectful, won't let me console him, teach him or help him with my wisdom in any way, shape or form. I've had only a rare few in my village of helpers and they aren't always available. Covid hit right after the divorce and our move back to GA after being in Tampa, Fl for 5 years. Shortly after our move here I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I also have anxiety and ADHD. This mama is tired and wore out and sick to death of other people's (this includes especially family and friends and church brothers and sisters) negativity, negative advise, thoughts, and comments who are clueless what it's like! SO RIGHT NOW I JUST WANT TO GIVE A BIG HIGH FIVE TO ALL OF US AND A HUGE PAT ON THE BACK AS WE HAVE MADE IT THIS FAR, AND WE WILL GET THROUGH IT, AND IN THE END, WE'LL KNOW WE DID EVERYTHING WE COULD AND KNEW TO DO, WE ARE GOOD MOMS, AND GOOD DADS!! DON'T GIVE UP ON THESE KIDS, WE HAVE TO REMEMBER IT'S NOT OUR FAULT, NOR IS IT OUR CHILDREN'S FAULT. BUT THE STRUGGLE IS DEFINITELY REAL!!
AMEN TO THAT! You have been through so much I admire your bravery having a child with ADHD is not easy and then you add the other stuff on top of it I couldn’t imagine going through what you went through, and your poor son also seeing dad with another kid had to be confusing and sad to him that’s traumatic, I can’t imagine…that’s horrible! You are a survivor my dear, that’s alot ant one thing you mentioned would have been overwhelming…Some of the situation with my son does sound VERY similar to yours I forgot to mention the car rides.. yeah my son hated those too so a lot of the time I felt kind of trapped or held hostage in a sense. He would get so tired and be crabby but it was almost like he fought his sleep so there was a lot of walking with him holding him but when you would put him down he would hate that so it was almost he just wanted you to hold him but yet be moving it was pretty tiring. Dad traveled a lot through this stage and was pretty oblivious to it all. I bet the things we both described are early signs of ADHD I found those behaviors kind of odd but that just goes to show that it’s something they’re born with. thank you so much for sharing your story and reading mine it is so so very helpful to see others struggle with the same situations and similarities because as you said so many others are just so damn clueless! Hang in there mama, your son is so very lucky to have you! Thank you for your truths!! 😊❤️
I feel your pain. As a grandmother to an 8 year old diagnosed with ADHD, it breaks my heart to see how angry and hostile he can become towards his mother and brother. We live in a multi-generational home with 2 grandparents, one parent and 2 children. Our peaceful home has now become so hostile and disruptive due to my grandson's behavior. This angry behavior is fairly new for us. It began appearing about 3-4 months ago. My daughter has a doctor's appt to discuss possible medications. We cannot continue to live in such a hostile environment. I wish you luck with this ADHD journey you are on with your son and welcome any suggestions or comments you have to share. Thanks!!
Yes, you are not alone in feeling this way. Sometimes I have to shut myself in my bedroom, if my daughter is throwing things at me, hitting, kicking. I don't understand how it gets to that point. She is always apologetic the next day. I feel like it is the cycle of abuse.
yeah I hate having to do that. I step away, but then have mom guilt and feel even worse about the situation like I should be there helping him but there’s really nothing that can be done outside of the therapies and medication’s to get it right thank you for reading and sharing. I appreciate it without this farm. Lord knows where I would be able to go for support and people that can’t understand the situation. Take care.
You’ve already gotten a ton of support here and I completely echo so much of what others have said. And I really appreciate it all because of how much I can relate! My 13 year old son has been much like most of the kids described here, since birth as well - sleep training was such a joke, we felt like failures because we had no idea why what apparently worked for everyone else didn’t work for our son (who basically just only wanted to sleep in our bed, like, until very recently). Anyway, fast forward to now, and after taking Citalopram (Celexa) for about a year now, and getting his ADHD diagnosis last spring, he is now also on Vyvanse (which you can only get after 2 other meds don’t work - we tried Concerta and then Ritalin). I have to say that for my son, and our family, Vyvanse has been a lifesaver. He is able to calm down much more quickly after disappointment (which has always been his main trigger), he is more present, respectful, and finally sleeps in his own bed most nights! Appetite has been a problem and that’s our next hurdle, but it’s not too bad right now and everything else is just soooo much better. All that is to say - hang in there! Get your own therapy for sure!! And see if a combo SSRI and a new med helps. I really hope it will. This is so hard, but it can get better.
hi there thanks for reading and your words and suggestions at his medication check last Friday. I actually asked about that medication Vive anise and he was prescribed that we started it two days ago. Fingers crossed. I know it will take a while but I hope and pray that this will be a better fit for him. I also scheduled an appointment for my own therapy so I hope with the two combined our household can find some more peace.☺️☺️
hi momma. I'm very sorry for what you're going through. Would you know when you knew your son had ADHD? I took my boys for special testing when they were 3. Thats when both boys were diagnosed with ADHD and on of the twins with questionable austism and seperation anxiety disorder. They have done things out of rage like throwing things and trying to shove me in the fridge. They have both a psychiatrist and a psychologist. They should be on medication but my ex refuses because the court says its 50/50 legal. Have you tried singing his favorite song to calm him? Or play the radio with calming music? Momma, i know things are rough, but you're doing your best. Talking with psychologists for you could help and maybe they cangive you suggestions. I love you momma for being the best mom you can be! Just know you are doin your utmost best. One more things, i know it might be impossible, but find rest for you so you can recharge too. I will keep you and your son in my prayers. Sending hope and encouragement. Big huge hugs to you.
hi there thanks for reading and your reply. I would have to say I knew something was going on with him as a baby as he was just very difficult as far as sleeping. She had a very hard time I think he was maybe a super sleep training didn’t work he did not like car rides or being put down but yet sometimes when he was upset, he was unconsolable I just sucked it up and then when he was a toddler, it was very apparent that he would only like to do things for a few seconds, and then move onto the next, no matter what I tried not many things kept his attention I think he was diagnosed at about 4 but I kind of had a feeling all along that something was just a little different. We just got prescribed a different medication that he’s been taken for two days now so fingers crossed that something may change. Thank you so much for your kind words and support this forum and all the other parents and folks that are on here for ADHD support are truly amazing people take care of yourself as well. Hang in there mama 😘
Hi 😥😥, It's real for sure., leaving this nightmare for the last 10 years. I have sixteen years old.. The only suggestion I can offer you: is to take care of yourself first! These kids can sense us. They are observing and copying every move, every word, every thought. The calmer I was, the faster I was able to de-escalate the situation and not lose my sanity. You have a very long way ahead of you. No one will do a better job of taking care of him 😥
you are absolutely 100% right it is so hard and such a struggle but these kids are very tuned in to our reactions and emotions and what we say also I realize I need to get better at that. It’s exhausting. I love my son to death. I am going to start seeing a therapist for myself to talk about these issues and how it makes me feel with my son parenting him with my husband etc. some days it feels like the twilight zone and just to be able to get that off my chest feels good. This forum is helpful but yes it is definitely something I need to put priority as well. Thanks for your reply and your kind words.
Looks like you've gotten a lot of great replies and advice. Yes, to all u stated. You are not alone. I seriously don't have any advice, as I feel like all my decisions have been shit, or at least led to worsening circumstances. My daughter at about age 11 physically hit me, hard. I would shield myself and never hit back. I had bruises up and down my arms, and had to wear long sleeves. She's 16 now, and carries same anger, but her release is verbal brutal assaults on me. I do try tl very hard to keep cool, walk away, not take the personal attacks personally. Lol.
Still, I'm sad and worry about our future relationship. Dear old dad, who I am separated from, has a rule-less house, and parents from a place of fear...fear she won't like him. I parent with an eye always on the future her. Yes, meds, that she now refuses to take, yes therapy, in which she won't go, yes to dx testing and on and on. Sorry for your struggles, you are not alone.
thank you for reading and your reply, and sharing your situation, it is such a struggle I think just hearing that other people can relate is sometimes helpful just to reiterate that it is hard and you’re not necessarily doing things wrong with your child, but that it IS hard. Although my son‘s father and I are still together, our parenting styles are very different, which also causes a bit of conflict. My husband has ADHD as well, so if anything, I would think he would be more understanding or more willing to work on his own, which is not the case, so makes routines and remembering things how to do things when parenting our son even more difficult. I’m hoping this medication switch will help him. But will take some time to see the actual results. you hang in there and thank you for being here. Your daughter is lucky to have you and all the hard effort you put in to try to help her and look at the future for her being a parent to a child that has these type of diagnosis is commendable. It’s a struggle that one can easily drop the ball on, but the fact that we’re all here and trying to make it better for them as huge. 🙂☺️
What a sweet response. Thank you. You came here for help, and you ended up giving me a boost. You're right, its just hard and there's no perfect answer or strategy from a book we can apply and instantly see results. I will still read the books, cause they do give me a guideline. Not sure if it was mentioned in the other comments, but I like the book 'raising humans beings', and the adhd bible, 'the explosive child'. Anyway, interesting you say your husband is ADHD. I've recently come to the realization that my ex is too. He will not admit or entertain the idea, but it gives me a better perspective when dealing with him. Sounds like you're spouse is aware and open. That is good. Anyway, I know it's extremely challenging, exhausting to be on different parenting pages. Hang in there, you are not alone, and your childis lucky to have you! Hugs.
I really feel for you. I will keep this short. We had our son, now 8, tested by a neurologist. The dr diagnosed our son with extreme ADHD. We have seen a change in negative attitude by changing medications. We switched from Guanine to Clonidine and we've changed stimulants many times. It is a long hard road of trial and error but it can get better. I would also say that I've found ADHD Dude to be very helpful. I am lucky enough to have a partner willing to learn and apply the teachings with me. I hope your situation changes for the better soon!
hi there thank you for reading and your reply. I’ve never heard of the ADHD dude I will check the site out. Thank you so much for sharing that. He just started vyvanase 2 days ago, I guess that will take a little bit of time to know, but I’m hopeful. He took gusnfacine for a very short time And that definitely made him cranky so we are crossing our fingers on this one It’s bad enough that we have to put medication in our babies in these tiny bodies let alone keep trying and trying more to get the right one. 😫 thanks for your kind words 😊
I have been behind in reading posts lately but as always, just when you think you're at the end of your rope, someone expresses just what you're thinking. My husband and I were discussing this exact thing last night. Our son who just turned 13 this weekend can barely be civil to me, like many of you said, I've never been treated this way in my entire life and find myself stepping back and disassociating myself from him. My husband says he just feels sad that "we" can't figure out how to help him. There is always something wrong or not good enough with everything. Like many others, supports are in place, meds, therapy and school accommodations but here at home, it's a S show...
While I'm sorry others are dealing with the same things, it's good to feel others understand.
it’s so hard to parent anyways then you throw in a thing like ADHD and you’re right it does become a shit show. I never thought in a million years that this would be how I need to learn to parent our son one of the things I was told early on is that parenting your child isnt a one size fits all and that is important to find the best method for your child, (I let him stand when eating dinner if he needs to ect.,), so I’m able to “get over” some of the basics I understand that but just trying to find what that method is … lol seems like I’m damned if I do damned if I don’t, it’s hard to not take it personal . Thanks again for reading and your reply and you hang in there as well just like it a lot of people have told me it’s important to take care of yourself first so I’ll pass that right along. Thank goodness for this site it makes me feel a little less crazy when reading other peoples words and stories it’s nice to have the support forum. Thanks for being here. 😊
We feel the struggle too and I am so thankful I found this group. After 11 years I finally found people who get it and I don’t feel so alone anymore. It’s life changing to know it’s not my fault. I feel like there is a way forward and there may be hope for my son with ADHD and our family as a whole.