hello i am the single mother of a 6 year old boy with severe adhd borderline autism. recently my son has been going through trying to figure out what meds work best for him and they raised his dose in meds a few weeks ago and it seems to make him worse but the day it was prescribed his prescriber ended up going somewhere else for work and to this day i have to wait another month and a half for someone to fix his meds. now my son has had major meltdowns everyday for the last week and a half to where he becomes extremely violent to everyone around him. today it was because i wouldnt get him what he wanted to eat for dinner because he has become picky and since im trying to nip the pickiness i said no to what he wanted which wasnt very healthy for dinner anyways. tried doing a break outside it seemed to calm him down but when it was time to go outside he'd start up again. he had a meltdown for around 2 hours til i finally found something that made him stop and listen.
i need ideas to keep his mind from going to that its my way or the highway place which causes the meltdowns. if anyone has any please message me.
he is getting to be the same way at school but their way of calming him down doesnt work for me at home. they had done a 504 last year when he was in kindergarten but because the school forgot to send the info to the doctor he now has to do it all over again. luckily enough he is in an ecg program this year at a different school i love the teacher im just hoping they are more organized so this can all get done and they can figure out what exactly is going on with him. there are sometimes when i just wish i could afford to have him in a group home for a little while just as a reset for him.