My son has been struggling in school since kindergarten. He was diagnosed with ADHD in 1st and he is now in 4th. I have had teacher after teacher tell me he doesn’t complete his work and he doesn’t do well on testing. He struggles in reading assignments and scores low on diagnostic test even if he knows the info. He is a very bright child who loves learning about history and sports. Last year he had the worst teacher, who always discussed his inability to focus in front of the whole class daily. He had a miserable year with her. At the end of the school year I asked to have him tested by the school and he was eligible for special education because it was interfering with his learning. But this doesn’t seem to be any better. I thought that he would be doing better if he had some assistance from a specialist. But he is just hearing the same things from her. I have not tried any meds and I am scared to start. What would be the best med for him. How do the meds effect my sons personality and does it change who he is? Usually when he has homework he is willing to do it and he loves to read and research things he is interested in. If he begans meds when they wear off is he going to go back to how he usually acts or is it going to affect who he is outside of school too. His at home behavior is great. He is a good helper and very loving and sweet. I don’t want to lose who my child is, so he can advance academically. If the meds help more than harm, I am willing to try. I can use any advice from anyone who has gone through this. I want my child to succeed in school, but I want him to be healthy and learn to cope with his brain being wired differently. I don’t want him to lose his interest in what he enjoys to focus on answering some reading test. Any advice would be great