Hello. My son just turned 15 and chose not to be on medication when starting high school. We supported it because, quite honestly, the med he was on (and the ones we tried over the years) had more negative side effects than positive benefits. I've done fish oil, magnesium, vitamin D, iron & calcium etc. for years. Football has ended and now we are having a very difficult time with structure: studying/homework and cell phone use. I have been looking for an adhd coach but nothing in my area. My next step is to conference with one out of state. I have been in contact with all his teachers and the school counselor.
My son fights us over cell phone use. All I hear is how is friends have their phones at all times whereas I hold onto it while he studies/homework and take it at 8pm. Otherwise, he would be distracted by his snap chats and games. He resents us and is angry and belligerent. It is stressful. He'll say he doesn't have any homework only for me to find out the next day when checking his grades, that he had a test. He will use his adhd "against" us by saying he can't do this and that because of it and life is 'so much harder' for him and we don't know what it's like.
For those of you with teens and preteens, what has worked for you? What kind of schedule or structure and rewards/discipline have you implemented that works well for your teen? How do you manage their cell phone use, video games?
He gets "downtime" for an hour after school with his phone. I find that if he does homework first, he rushes through it to get to his electronics. Also, after being in school all day, and having adhd, he feels like he's ready to explode. He needs a break. Then I require he do 1 full hour of work while his phone sits on kitchen counter.
We are trying so hard to give him opportunities to give him the freedom to manage his own school work and not get all over his tail. Teens want freedom, but having adhd, he has demonstrated over and over that he can't manage his time, nor does he have the planning and organizational skills for studying for exams. Every day is a battle. He blows off schoolwork because it's not important to him and he doesn't take it seriously. We are thrilled that he now has his first girlfriend because socially, he has struggled. But of course, he wants to spend all his time snap chatting with her after school.
We are struggling with consistent rules and structure. Balancing rewards and discipline is so hard. The back talk and disrespect are at an all time high. Teen, hormones, social media, no medication, high performing high school, etc., is wearing us all down. Nothing seems to work. I am tired of constantly getting on him for doing his work, managing his electronic use, studying for tests, doing his chores (which are mostly during weekend), his defiant behavior, anger, unkind behavior and words. He does not appreciate us and his entitled behavior has put us over the edge.
Any advice is so appreciated. Thanks so much.