Hi there!
I have an 8 year-old son who has been diagnosed with obsessive compulsive symptoms, bipolar disorder/mood disorder/emotional dysregulation, anxiety, depression and ADHD. The ADHD is a new diagnosis from a nuero-psychologist who is an expert in his field (horrible bedside manner--very smart man). When we were first working with the psychiatrist, we tried him on Straterra and Ritalyn; both had very adverse effects on our son. He had extreme OCD behavior, ticks, extreme aggression--to name a few. Then we tried fluoxetine and aripirazole and that combo was much more effective at helping to manage his violent outbursts. After receiving this diagnosis over the summer, we decided to try Vyvance, but his reaction was the same.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to other ADHD medications that are non-stimulants that they've tried? (And we are doing everything else we know how to do--structure, predictability, routine, keeping him physically active, watching his diet, focusing on positive behaviors vs. negative ones, he has a 504 at school, and he visits regularly with a psycho therapist and psychiatrist.)