So I'm sure this is SO typical, and maybe I'm being a bit hormonal, and I'm also trying to keep it together b/c the kid has a friend over.
She was supposed to try out for softball today. She wanted to try out even though she has no experience with the sport. Honestly, she probably would have no made it, but of course, it would be a good experience to try out. We had a pep talk about it last night. She was pretty excited and receptive to the pep talk. Last week and this week, I asked - Are you sure you don't need any paperwork? You don't need ANYthing from me to try out? No.
Today, she was not "on the list" and was not able to tryout. "But it's not my fault". Uh, whose fault is it then?! So-and-So also didn't get to. Ok... so you and so-and-so BOTH didn't listen. Doesn't make you're situation any better. "There are other sports". ok. Just...ok.
I personally, as mom, don't really care. This is something SHE wanted to do and when there's something big, I do get involved. I also am of the belief that at this age (13), she really needs to take charge of some of these things and has the ability to. Honestly, she's probably more disappointed than I am, but I'm just so pissed that I asked her twice if she needed anything and also that she is also acting now like it's not a big deal. And frankly, it's both protective, and somewhat resilient - and a good thing that her life isn't wrecked by the fact that she couldn't try out. But god, I'm just so mad that her discombobulation and/or lack of care, has shut her out from a potentially great experience that she was excited about.
Thanks for listening. I know it's not a HUGE deal and I'm more pissed than I need to be.