I just feel like let's get this out there! I've been doing a ton of research on this because what is there else to do at 10 pm after your child has been diagnosed and you're panicking about everything? My daughter's original diagnosis was bipolar. After a ton of testing she was ALSO diagnosed ADHD. - inattentive. Turns out ADHD is highly comorbid with other psychiatric conditions. ADHD, ODD, OCD and other learning disabilities are often diagnosed together.
Which is all well and good until you are living with it, right? My daughter takes medication for the mania, which usually controls it, and also take Concerta for the ADHD. Sometimes I think her depression and actions are the bipolar and then sometimes I think it's just the ADHD. Today we had an incident at the store that was pure ADHD (I think) and then this afternoon this:
Me: It's almost the end of the 2018!
Her: what?
Me: Yes, it's going to be 2019. I know it's been hard and I'm so proud of how far you've come!
Her: *odd look overtakes her face - looks around the room frantically*
Me: What? what's wrong?
Her: I don't want it to be the end of 2018.
Me: Umm. well, there's not much we can do about it, it just sort of comes
Her: But I haven't finished the things I want to!! *tears well up in her eyes* and I haven't made any friends...
Me: No, no...it's ok honey, *reaches out to hug her*
Her: You don't understand and you NEVER will *stomps off angrily*
ADHD or the bipolar? they share so many of the same characteristics that it's so hard to tell. This roller coaster! Anyone else have a dual diagnosis or suspect a dual diagnosis? What do you guys think?