I was wondering what people's experience was with getting a child diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. Our daughter has very classic symptoms of inattentive ADHD.She was diagnosed with Tourettes 3 years ago and with CBIT has done fairly well. For the past 2 years math has become a real struggle for her. The school provides her a tutor, and we also have a private tutor that is working with her as if she has dyscalculia. She is a hard worker, and really wants to do well in school. Homework time usually results in tears. And she has googled,"why am I so stupid". She tells me that she spaces out in class and then panics to try and catch up with what the teacher is talking about. We read books together and she will often stop me and have me reread pages because she gets distracted.
She sees a pediatric neurologist but he wants someone else to diagnose her with ADHD and then he's okay prescribing the medication. When I had her assessed for ADHD by her pediatrician he had us and her teacher complete the Vanderbilt evaluation. He said she didn't have ADHD because the teacher's didn't report any problems and said she was doing fine in school. When I explained that she routinely gets 60s on the math tests but then gets to correct her test so her grade is inflated he said, "well maybe in a couple years we can reassess her."I think he just looks at the Vanderbilt score and doesn't take anything else into consideration. In a class of 22 kids it's hard for a teacher to notice one quiet child drifting off. Her teachers also say they never see her tic but she does.
When your child was evaluated for inattentive ADHD did the professional just look at the Vanderbilt score and say yes or no? I feel like there is so much that is subtle about inattentive ADHD. Her twin brother was diagnosed with ADHD in 1st grade and the same pediatrician wanted to start him on meds immediately.We were skeptical of the diagnosis and it turned out our son had more anxiety than ADHD. I'm wary of shelling out more money for an ADHD evaluation if all the provider is going to do is look at a checklist and say yes or no.
Any advice or similar experiences??