We’re just back from a family funeral and life celebration, and we did manage to fit quite a lot into our visit. From a good solid set of daily walks in new surroundings, exploring the heritage of a historic hotel, and trying out (first time for me) the indoor rower in the hotel gym. All this framing the celebration of a full life lived well by a family member and reconnecting with the wider family and friends. It was nice seeing everyone again, hearing all sorts of remembered stories, although all was touched by sadness.
My calf strain was kept in check with a compression sleeve, and I used my Nordic walking poles for walking, which worked well. We also visited a rural ford where my husband used to play with his childhood friends and chatted to the locals, which did the same a generation before my husbands. A lovely spot whith the river winding itself over the road, back into its pebbelley ways.
Back home, we managed to make a chicken meal in our small wood-fired oven, did a bit of gardening and I finally enjoyed my own home rowing machine again.
A week well spent with lovely walks in new surroundings.