Just a little signposting 🪧 reminder that we have five sister forums dedicated to supporting our runners and walkers at various stages of their fitness journey, including cross-training and workout needs.
So here a short introduction:
★★★ Strength and Flexibility Forum :  S&F is all about our needs as runners and walkers, or generally needing a bit more strength and flexibility-related workouts in your life. It includes a NHS-associated five-week programme delivered through a series of podcasts. healthunlocked.com/strength...
★★★ Active10 : Active10 is for those who want to include regular walking into their daily lives, with a dedicated walking app for iOS and Android. healthunlocked.com/active10
★★★ Couch to 5k Forum : Couch25k is for those starting on their running journey, as well as runners who may be returning after a break, a 9-week running plan delivered through a series of podcasts and a dedicated App. healthunlocked.com/couchto5k
★★★ Bridge to 10k Forum : Bridge210k is for C25k graduates who want to build up their endurance towards 10k, or 60 minutes of running. healthunlocked.com/bridgeto10k
★★★ Marathon Running and Race Support : MarathonRace is for those who are looking to achieve the longer distances of half marathon and marathon, as well as compete in races. healthunlocked.com/marathon...