Returning to the forum after three and a half years... I haven't done too badly in that time....gained about 17lbs but struggling again with my knees and getting out of breath
Returning after three years: Returning to the... - Active 10
Returning after three years

I am sorry you are struggling. It is tough when life is like that. Are you still walking or are you finding that hard. Just as a thought have you been struggling long, because there are a few of us On These forums that have been hit by hay fever at the moment and that had knocked us a bit.
Hi Realfoodieclub, thank you for your kind wishes.. I am not really walking far now, get out of breath.. I also have a problem with my foot that isn't helping as was told by GP to rest it and so got out of walking... no I don't suffer from hay fever.. just need to lose weight and gradually increase my movement
We are great for helping you do that. Kay50 will be along and tell you how much of a difference little increases has made to her mobility. Our help sheet is great place to start
All the admins on here, me included, started back walking again and found it challenging. I had to start after stomach surgery and slow and steady is always the best way to proceed. We will help you with your journey. Keep coming back and posting how you are doing.
Take care
Rfc x
Welcome back. As always start off slow and build up slowly. And if you're just getting back into things, some gentle stretching can help keep you limber as you up your activity.
You may also find the osteoarthritis forum useful (complementary not rival!). You can send off for a "Walk with Ease" book (it's from US but they managed to send it to Spain!). IMO every little helps wherever you find it
Hi sandrabuxton - good for you on coming back! I too,suffer with mobility problems, I have a deteriorating spine and osteoarthritis which seems to be taking over every one of my joints! I totally understand the frustration of not being able to do what you want to do! It sucks big time, that's for sure! I started walking nearly 2 years ago now and it really has changed my life. When I started I could only walk 200 steps - I kid you not! I'll never be a member of the 10 000 step club, but I can manage 4 000 steps comfortably now. I increased my steps 20 - 50 at a time(walking the bus route cos I was so scared I wouldn't be able to make it back home!) and it was a struggle at first - actually, getting out of the door is still a struggle most days. I can't walk more than about 50 steps unaided, and a few years ago, on the advice of my chiropractor, I bought a Sholley, which is my constant companion - it looks like an ordinary shopping trolley, but actually is a balanced walking aid and doesn't tip if you stumble - hence the 4 000 steps! I watched the Active 10 programme on tv and was amazed at the health benefits of walking briskly for just 10 minutes - mind you, my "brisk" is really quite slow! So I started out doing 5 minute brisk walks - I just couldn't manage more and the difference it has made is intense! My breathing has improved by leaps and bounds. It's amazing. For me, I've had to stop comparing what I can do with what others do and concentrate on improving what I can do. It's tough, but you can do it, sandrabuxton! Oh yes, I've also lost close to 50lbs - what a bonus! Good luck on your journey to better health and fitness - we'll all be walking with you!
Kay50, what a lovely understanding and encouraging ....thank you.... never thought of just increasing my steps by 20-50 a day that's a great idea and I will certainly be doing that every day... I used to do a regular 10000 every day and play badminton 3 times a week....would love to get back to this....
You will - not today or tomorrow, maybe not even this year, but you will!

Thank you