Today I started getting scared about the hill I intend to climb on 10 April!! So I walked down about one third of the way, turned round and walked back up! I was a little breathless, but it was ok so I'm going to do the same tomorrow and then try for halfway on Monday!
Training for the hill!: Today I started getting... - Active 10
Training for the hill!
Slowly now, See if your muscles feel ok tomorrow before trying again. If they are a bit sore walk On the flat let them strengthen then try again Sunday / Monday. If they are fine then go for it. I am sure with training you will be ready for the 10th.
I will, Rfc - and I know the first half will be easy! It's the second half that will be the biggest challenge - but I've got a couple of weeks to get ready. It's all these forum members that are climbing so many stairs who've got me all fired up - stairs are physically impossible for me to cope with, but I know I can do a hill, even one as steep as this one!

It is your mout Everest, and it will feel so sweet when you conquer it. I agree with you about the steps and stairs everyone is doing, it great isn’t it? Have a good walk today, nice and steady. Rfc x.
Done it Rfc! I'm taking tomorrow off and will give it another go next week! I feel good. I have utmost respect for all the stair climbers, just wish I could join in! x

Well done. I bet this time last year you would not be even thinking about that hill, you never know where you will be this time next year, even if those stairs are not for you you are coming on leaps and bounds, feel proud of how far you have come 😀.
Thanks Rfc - I would not have got beyond 200 steps without the support and encouragement from this forum! Now I do 3400 steps comfortably AND today my weight loss has tipped the scale at 40lbs - ten months well spent, I reckon!

Woohooo. Well done you! That is great stats.
That is such a great way to approach it Kay. Taking bits and pieces and building up to it. You'll be well prepared for when you have to do the whole thing.
Thanks runswithdogs - I know my goals seem kinda petty when compared to those of others. But to me they're huge and I really appreciate the support!

Your goals are certainly not petty. They are your own, just as others have their own. No matter how far, or how fast we can all share in the journey. The approach, the struggles, the successes, and the sense of achievement are all very similar when we reach for the stars. And besides all that, hills are DARN hard Happy walking Kay. You're a superstar.
I love your philosophy runswithdogs - you've really inspired me and made me feel good about myself! Thank you
That is a very creative strategy. It is going to work. Best wishes.
Thanks svgeeks - appreciate the support!
You will do it because you're making the effort to do it by practicing and talking to people about it and staying positive.
The only way you wouldn't be able to do it would be if you never mentioned it, put it to the back of your mind and said to yourself 'I'll never be able to do it'
As far as I know, you've done it before. You said you'd ONLY managed it ONCE before, I think, but I translate that as 'I've done it before'
This means you'll do it again.
Best wishes, take a drink and a snack for half way if you have to - distance and gradient are relative to all of us.
Thank you for your kind words mdr1000 - you have inspired me to be ultra positive! And thanks for the tip about taking water and a snack - I would have totally neglected to do that. I climbed this hill last year, when my spine was behaving itself pretty well. My back's been a bit dodgy lately, but the chiropractor has magic hands so I feel ready!