In Summer 2024, I started experiencing spotting between periods, lower left abdominal pain, and fatigue. My doctor requested blood tests and an ultrasound in October 2024. Additional tests, including a vaginal swab, STI tests, and a smear all came back clear. My bloodwork showed slightly high PCV (0.485 L/L), low MCHC (309 g/L), and low folate (5.3 ug/L). I was prescribed two months of folate, and a repeat blood test was scheduled for four weeks later due to the elevated PCV.
I stopped taking the contraceptive pill, suspecting a link to my symptoms, and the fact that I'd been taking it for 10 years.
The ultrasound revealed a haemorrhagic nabothian cyst and my endometrial cavity was distended with anechoic fluid, with no clear cause. A week later, I believe the cyst burst and my pain resolved.
My repeat blood test showed improved results and my natural cycle also returned with no issues. I've been fairly regular since.
However, around 8th February 2025, the fatigue came back, alongside intense thudding heart palpitations and dizziness. I also had some spotting on 10th February (ovulation?) and 22nd February. This is the first time I’ve had any spotting since October 2024.
The palpitations were only happening during movement and exercise. I went to see a doctor on Friday 14th, but the palpitations had subsided by then and I've only had a couple of palpitations since. I'm still getting the dizziness though.
My doctor requested an urgent cardiology referral (still waiting) and more bloods.
The blood test flagged a slightly low neutrophil count and smudge cells. I then ended up down a rabbit hole of my blood results and noticed that since October 2024 my WBC, platelets, and neutrophils have been decreasing while lymphocytes have increased.
July 2023 Results:
WBC: 7.65, Platelets: 251, Neutrophils: 4.94, Lymphocytes: 2.12 (10*9/L)
October 2024 Results:
WBC: 7.40, Platelets: 232, Neutrophils: 4.83, Lymphocytes: 1.98
November 2024 Results:
WBC: 6.45, Platelets: 228, Neutrophils: 3.27, Lymphocytes: 2.46
February 2025 Results:
WBC: 5.60, Platelets: 163, Neutrophils: 1.96, Lymphocytes: 2.97
Apologies for such a long post. But essentially what I'm asking is could my symptoms could be related at all? Should I be worried about my most recent blood results & smudge cells? I can't get a doctors appointment until next week.