been experiencing issues sleeping, mood swings (major rage pre period which is so not normal for me), change in cycle length, period cramps so bad I have to call in sick, depleted sex drive, bloating and discomfort during ovulation, cystic acne breakouts throughout the whole month (used to just be pre-period) which won't clear up with lifestyle changes etc. been going on for 6-9 months. doctor ordered hormonal panel for me.
attached is my result (326) along with the ranges, I took it mid cycle so the range is 220-1960. It's not 'abnormal' but it seems on the low end of 'normal' which isn't always good enough for us gals ya know. I'm 27F, if that makes any difference.
I have lots of natural remedies lined up for improving estrogen levels as I don't think the doctor will do anything for me, I don't want medication either way. I just don't want to engage in some lifestyle changes and have it negatively impact me is all because I'm doing the wrong thing.
adrenal glands are great, pituitary is great, full blood count is great all round, iron is great, this was the only potentially "low" thing that popped up.
thanks in advance, friends ❤️
ps I have hashimotos but my thyroid levels are all good I just had them retested so I know it's nothing to do with that currently