Currently on sertraline 150mg daily for a diagnosed panic disorder, all the classic symptoms of fibro, my question is how do i go about getting it diagnosed? I dont drink/smoke, live a relatively active lifestyle but in constant chronic pain daily and when i have a flare up im wiped out completely, brain fog, lethargy the works! Kind of at the end of my tether with it all now, ive tried all the self help from cbt to mindful relaxation etc. 🙏
Fibromyalgia? : Currently on sertraline 150mg... - Women's Health

Hi there, make sure your thyroid levels have been checked. If not get them done. Sertraline can negatively effect thyroid. I would say Sertraline is not the best for fatigue type auto immune triggered illness. At nearly 54 I have been diagnosed with M.E and also Autistic, EDS and PoTS. I have had awful symptoms throughout my life and was never taken seriously as a woman. So depending on your sex, age, neurotype, lifestyle etc would dig deeper and do a diary if you can over a few weeks documenting patterns of symptoms, reactions to food etc and then you have evidence for yourself and others to see. It’s a pain in itself to have to try and get help but have found evidence is the way forward to be taken seriously. Also CBT only works if you have a brain that can accept the process. Was completely useless for me and would suggest that because you have been given meds for panic attacks it would not be the right therapy for you. Look up EMDR. This was helpful for me. Tried so many things. Plus meditation, Reiki, homeopathy and things like therapeutic massage and Reflexology. You will find your thing. Magnesium, iron, epsom salt baths, essential oils, hormone support are all things to look in to. Take care 😊
PLEASE ask this question on Thyroid UK HealthUnlocked group.
Many people find when their thyroid levels are OPTIMAL, fibro symptoms decease or go away. Drs quite often say it's fibro, but actually it's a poorly treated thyroid problem.
Thyroid UK HU forum admins and members are fantastic! You'll get best advice there.