Support for fibromyalgia needed xx - Women's Health

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Support for fibromyalgia needed xx

Shibby89 profile image
31 Replies

Hi all is their anyone on here who has fibromyalgia

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Shibby89 profile image
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31 Replies
Clutter profile image


There are several fibromyalgia support communities on HealthUnlocked. Click on My Communities on the HealthUnlocked banner top of page and select +Browse Communities and type Fibromyalgia into the title/search box.

Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to Clutter

Thank u x

L-I-s-aC profile image

Hi I have fibro and am new to this site (today)

Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to L-I-s-aC

Hi how are u an welcome u will find everyone on here is lovely an so supportive we can talk about all sorts and if u want to chat feel free to message me love shibby xx

L-I-s-aC profile image

Hi Shibby thanks for your message. I just came across this by chance. Going through a few health issues at the mo so great to find somewhere supportive and maybe my experience can help others 😄 how are you

Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to L-I-s-aC

Hi I'm having a bad day today so for dinner it's been pot noodles lol but how are u doin? Xx

L-I-s-aC profile image
L-I-s-aC in reply to Shibby89

Hi Shibby slow going today for me too. Toast for lunch. Have recently moved to a flat has taken most of my energy sorting the move. Trying to do something positive every day though. How long have you been diagnosed with fibro? Xx

Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to L-I-s-aC

Hi I have had it for 10 years but got diagnosed last month xx

L-I-s-aC profile image
L-I-s-aC in reply to Shibby89

It's so hard i understand. I was diagnosed about 6 years ago but was ill over many years before slowly getting worse until I was bedridden for months. Been getting stronger but takes sooooo long and you have to be patient and determined. I find it a daily battle. Xx

Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to L-I-s-aC

Hi I also find it a battle for example to day I woke up on my back, legs an arms crossed an locked my goodness does that hurt an I wonder how can I possibly how got stuck like that 😂 any way now I'm in a fibro fog an loads of pain, it's very irritating as yesterday I wasn't to bad sorry for the moan xxx how are u doin today? I have also had times when I'm stuck in bed then I feel bad as my hubby has to do everything

L-I-s-aC profile image
L-I-s-aC in reply to Shibby89

Lucky sounds like our other halves are supportive. I would be lost without my partner. He has stuck by me and done so much to help and support me even though sometimes he is at a loss of what to do. He sometimes forgets and thinks because I look ok I must be ok then I have to remind him I can't be as quick as him or have as much energy as him! It is frustrating for both of us but somehow we carry on. Do you have a bath? Maybe a soak with salts would help you. Lots of things I have tried over the years have helped. Do you take vitamins or try and exercise a little? My partner now has cancer so we had to down size to our flat to reduce mortgage. He works full time but not for much longer. I try and work but have just gone down to two days a week and that's enough! I'm tired today went to chiro yesterday ache today. I too wake up stiff sometimes my hands feel like claws! I should be going to walk in clinic at hospital for blood tests sometime this week. Each day I say maybe tomorrow! I have tumour on my thyroid waiting for op end of July then will be on thyroxin worried about it all. Xx

Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to L-I-s-aC

Ow my goodness I'm am so sorry to hear about the cancer, I will be sending a lot of prayers out, yes I have a bath an tonight he is gonna run me one with Epsom salts in although I have never used them and also I feel it is wonderful that u also have a great hubby, me and mine do argue sometimes but I think that's frustration more then anything, he's always been their although it can get hard for him as he's understands I'm not well but also he can't do much to help, he's sent me to rest in bed but I'm movin all over the place lol I have had abnormal cells in my u no but had they scrapped way so still have check up and so far clear sending my hugs 🤗 to u both xx

Pinkbaby8 profile image

Hi, yes I do and I find it hard work, sorry. I feel like I forever moan to my family about hurting or being tired. Sorry again I know I sound miserable.

I think mostly you need to learn to pace yourself and not do so much on the days you feel good that you are then faced with a week of being exhausted. The trouble is when you feel good you want to get on, go out, catch up.

Go steady and remember not to worry about the everyday things, most things can wait to be done and it doesnt have to be you who does them.

The dog, cat, etc might want feeding but they are great company and very thereaputic helping physically and emotionally. I would be lost without mine.

Take care everyone hope I haven't upset you. Try to remember who you are underneath.


Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to Pinkbaby8

U could never up set us I think most of us have a grumble about it at some point an to be fair I'm a BIG moaner lol 😂 this has really helped me to be able to talk and see others goin through fibromyalgia to cos now I don't feel so alone lov shib x

L-I-s-aC profile image

Thank you. We just take one day at a time. I think most people are effected by cancer in some way or other. Glad you are clear. 😄A friend of mine bought me DrSalts bath salts and shower gel. The shower gel is lovely not used salts yet though but I think that sort of thing is really good. I try and swim every week. At the pool I go to they have a jacuzzi and I love that! X

Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to L-I-s-aC

Hi yes my dads also passed on through cancer it's so hard to watch, if at any time u would like to chat about things please let me no hugs 🤗

Pinkbaby8 profile image

Yes exercise is great even though motivation is really difficult at times you do feel better. Having someone to go with helps a lot. Even if your at a different ability just do you own thing then a go in the jacuzzi, steam room, sauna at the end meeting with your friend etc

How did you find out about yours? I think mine started with a bladder problem about 17 years ago but it may be even longer if you look at the triggers. I was finally diagnosed about two years ago.

Maybe we could go swimming together - virtual swimming that is. Mine's on a Tuesday eve, women only session. Motivation via wifi.


Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to Pinkbaby8

Hi thanks for messaging for me iv been having back and leg problems for a while they thought I'd slipped a disk then trapped a nerve and so on then it just got worse and they've been doin test for years bloods Mri, ct u name it they did it after 10 years they finished with its fibromyalgia it was a pain through out xx

Pinkbaby8 profile image

I feel like this post is going all over the place in terms of date/time order.

Is it me and my brain fog?


Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to Pinkbaby8

Ow bless u yes I find it hard keepin up also i think because people read an reply at different times then the message gets put back to the top again, hope that makes sense xx

Pinkbaby8 profile image

Aww, all is clear, Thankyou. X

Have a restful day. Do you manage to work?


Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to Pinkbaby8

Hi babypink8 I had a restless sleep last night sadly I don't manage to work at the moment although as I am hopeful that one day I can again, how has ur night been xx

Pinkbaby8 profile image

Oh I'm sorry about your restless night, I too am restless but the best I've been in years I have to say and I feel a bit more like me.

I've had three operations though so far this year, two on my foot and another on my knee after having dislocated it eighteen months ago.

I have put so much weight on in those months that it's getting to me, I feel like I now want and am able to do things but can't really get out. I'm only hoping I will still feel this way once I am allowed to get up and go. Otherwise I'll be even bigger!! :(

I must look on the positive though I do feel the the best I have felt, in my head that is, in a long long time, my pain is still there and as you will know unbearable at times. I am dealing with it.

How are you at the moment? How is the tiredness and pain etc?


Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to Pinkbaby8

Hi pink-baby8 I'm so glad things are lookin up and I am over joyed for u, I have put about 3 stone on due to the fibro and meds I try not to let it bother me to much, coping wise for me is a hit and miss game I think I'm currently having my good and bad episodes through out the day, I'm sorry to hear about the ops u have had to have an I hope u heal fast, I'm currently having a not to bad mornin but how is urs xx

Pinkbaby8 profile image

Have had a good day but I've struggled this eve, lots of animals to look after hubby away for a few days so can't ignore them.

I take a lot of mess too. I want to try to take a lower dose to see how much of the brain fog, memory and recall problems are down to the meds or the fibromyalgia. I'm not sure I want to risk returning to the pain I once had even for a day maybe I should leave well alone. Especially while working.

Sleep well Shibby89

Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to Pinkbaby8

Bless you, I wish u luck with the animals and if u need a chat at any time feel free to message me sleep well my friends luv sue xx

Pinkbaby8 profile image

To you too, I am here for a chat if you need one, sleep well and rest when you can,


Pinkbaby8 profile image
Pinkbaby8 in reply to Pinkbaby8

Hi Shibby89,

How are you?

Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to Pinkbaby8

Mornin pinkbaby8 I'm not to well today, thank u for askin, but how are u xxxx

Pinkbaby8 profile image

Im sorry to hear that what's going on? Have you done anything to make it worse for you? What sorts of symptoms, affects, effects, I never know, do you get? Sorry lots of questions.

I've had a difficult couple of days, I did too much on Sunday if I'm honest. So payback time. May be the heat too. :/


Shibby89 profile image
Shibby89 in reply to Pinkbaby8

Hi hon, well today my left leg has swollen and my knee feels like iv got a hot poker stick in into it ☹️ I had a small walk yesterday so I think even that small amount has done something as I can't even put waight onto it xx

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