hi huns I am after some advice asap I put in my tampon as usual earlier gone to take it out pulled the string as normal the string has snapped with the tampon still inside had this ever happened to anyone before many thanks
tampon stuck : hi huns I am after some advice... - Women's Health
tampon stuck
go to A&E
Hi, ok so this is a slightly embarrasing one but please dont feel embarrased it has happened to us all at one point. I agree with Belle76 if you are not able to use your own fingers to remove comfortably then please go to A&E or call 111 for advice. A tampon left in for too long can become dangerous causing a condition called toxic shock syndrome. So as much as it doesn't feel like an emergency now, it can become one later. Please go to A&E or a walk in to a sexual health clinic or contact 111 for advice as you may even be able to go see a nurse practitioner at a minor injuries clinic. Either way it has to come out and it can be done quite quickly and painlessly so please don't be embarrrased they will have come across this before. Good luck
ring Yr GP and get a nurse appointment ASAP. It needs to be removed quickly to avoid complications like TSS.
lie in a warm bath for a while and it will soak up water and with a few contraction like squeezes of the pelvic floor it should come out. It worked for me. Good luck
hi many thanks for your response this was me who posted this I lost my old account I managed to get it out without going to a&e my husband managed to get it out with abit of lube on his hand managed to get in a get it out 🙈 thing I might change to pads after this
Hi firstly try to strain/bear down a little standing up of course if not ring your surgery and get an appointment drs can get them out for you. I went once as l couldn't remember taking it out so thought it was still there it wasnt apparently that happens too.
hi many thanks for your response this was me who posted this I lost my old account I managed to get it out without going to a&e my husband managed to get it out with abit of lube on his hand managed to get in a get it out 🙈 thing I might change to pads after this
Happened to me in my 20s. I made an emergency GP appointment and the GP pulled it out with an instrument. Took her 5 seconds.
The GP said it is a common issue.
Alternatively go to a minor injuries clinic if you can't get an emergency GP appointment, or A&E if no minor injuries clinic nearby.
I didn't panic about toxic shock as I felt fine, but you need to get it removed asap.
hi many thanks for your response this was me who posted this I lost my old account I managed to get it out without going to a&e my husband managed to get it out with abit of lube on his hand managed to get in a get it out 🙈 thing I might change to pads after this
Firstly you need medical attention ASAP. The stuck tampon can cause a toxic build up.
yes I've experienced this and was told my womb awas flipped back and over to the left. I was advised never to wear tampons again or get the coil fitted. 😒 This is called retro....something which I'm ashamed to say I cannot remember.
hi many thanks for your response this was me who posted this I lost my old account I managed to get it out without going to a&e my husband managed to get it out with abit of lube on his hand managed to get in a get it out 🙈 thing I might change to pads after this

omg, thank goodness your ok. Not sure about the removal method but at least it is out. I think youll need to try normalise the ph levels now as youll at least need to calm the inflammation inside. Using something like Femfresh twive a day will help you a lot. Hope this helps. 😍