I have anaemia , gynaecologist is not proactive I feel I need more than iron supplements don't want blood transfusion can I be eligible for iron infusion
Severe Anaemia from fibroids treatment - Women's Health
Severe Anaemia from fibroids treatment

I'm on 3 iron tablets, 6 norethisterone and 6 IBS-treatment tablets a day. Still getting heavy periods and predictably very anaemic. My doctors sent me for transfusion and iron infusion when my iron dropped to 7.5, but when I went to the hospital for the transfusion and they learned that it was specific to the fibroids, they refused to give me one and instead called the gynae team down to explain why I'd been waiting over a year for an appointment with them.
I was absolutely dreading the transfusion and infusion but I wasn't expecting to be denied it outright. In fairness, my iron levels were on the borderline when they did all the pre-transfusion blood testing: 7.8, so I didn't need it desperately - but hopefully the team at your hospital won't just send you back to gynae.
I really am not keen on blood transfusion but am looking at surgery my distress is great from this bleeding am incapacitated so I want my surgery asap .Problem is am seeing a private gynaecologist as I have private cover NHS wait time is like a year.
Known someone in more distress than myself that is still waiting for surgery
Despite being sent for transfusion (and being immediately pushed up the waiting list), I still haven't seen anyone (less the gynae team that the transfusion unit demanded see me) or been started on Zolodex (what I was given last time to shrink the fibroid before surgery). I have been waiting for an appointment since March 2021 - when all my symptoms came back and an ultrasound confirmed it was fibroids again. Just madness how long the wait times are. And the tablets have put 10 kg on me already since then - so I'm still bleeding, having to take cocodamol about 4 days in every 7 due to the debilitating pain, and growing ever fatter, all in the knowledge that if someone would just prescribe me Zolodex (my GP can't), all this would stop. Please let me know what the timescale is for private, as I'm seriously considering it if the hospital cancel my appointment again.
Sorry to hear you’re having problems, I can sympathise. I’m peri menopause and lost a crazy crazy amount of blood that I would get home from work and fall asleep. My iron levels were less than 5 I’ve been on iron supplements for 9 months and keep going for blood tests to check my levels and the doctor said it is slowly going up but not very quickly. I didn’t know that there were other remedies, so that’s good to know
Hello, sorry you are distress. I understand your situation because 5 years ago I was in the same situation after suffering with fibroids and anemia for over 10 years. I was taken to the the A &E and I was at the time dangerously low. I had all the treatment transfusion, tablets and later surgery. I took transfusion because i needed to be back to good health and be there for my children because i had no quality of life. My gynea team made it clear to me that I would have to help my self more. Fi ding out that anemia can also be helped by diet, I did some research and got lots of information and came across a very good book on amazon "overcoming aneamia, my experience. The information helped with improving my diet and I am now off tablets and was discharged. My change of diet was very essential as the consulant told me. I wish you well and wish you good health.
I had a similar dilemma I ended up with transfusions