Hi all,
I used to take the contraceptive pill (for about 10-11 months) from September 2019 to June/July 2020. I haven’t been on it for a while, as you can see but, I have experienced side effects from coming off it and I do worry that OCD may be one.
I have noticed, more so in the last few months, I have been having repetitive and recurring behaviours and/or thoughts that I can not budge. For example, I have to check my phone (Snapchat, Instagram) and ensure I haven’t posted anything unwanted on my story - even though I know there isn’t anything on there. The brightness and volume must be at the lowest and power mode turned off. It is a must, otherwise I cannot sleep. Even checking the side of my bed, to check there isn’t any spiders, bugs etc.
I also check the fridge and freezer to make sure they are shut. I’ll go back multiple times and open it back up multiple times and keep shutting it until I feel it is shut. Also, when I’m out, I’ll check my bag over snd over making sure everything is in it.
When I’m in bed, I can suddenly think “hm where is my credit card?” And have to get out of bed snd check my room to make sure I have it. Even then, I’ll check and check again to make sure it is in the bag.
More recently, I get a split second of negative/scary thoughts - I.e, there is something on the floor and I think I have to pick it up in case my cat eats it and dies because of me.
The volume on a TV, radio etc. Must be set on the 5 times table and will need to be changed if not.
I don’t want to self-diagnose myself but, rather see if this is a possibility and what I can do to help it.
I did think where has all this come from? I can’t remember always having these thoughts, I used to, but never has controlling as this.
I know OCD is caused, or one way it can be caused, is by a lack of serotonin in your body - I also know the pill can reduce the amount of serotonin in your body. Is it possible the pill has caused this?